mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi – 80 – ninRu edhirAya

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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AzhwAr mercifully mentions as to how his heart got involved with emperumAn ahead of him. He says that his heart, without waiting for instructions, meditating on the quality of emperumAn by which he annihilates enemies, won over his [AzhwAr’s] five senses, got rid of attachment towards worldly matters and tries to meditate on emperumAn.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

ninRedhirAya niraimaNiththEr vANan thOL
onRiya IraingyURudan thuNiya venRilangum
ArpaduvAn nEmi aravaNaiyAn sEvadikkE
nErpaduvAn  thAn muyalum nenju

Word by Word Meanings

ninRu – standing in front (without any shame)
edhir Aya – one who fought as an enemy
nirai maNi thEr – one who came riding on a chariot which had gemstones studded properly
vANan onRiya IraigygyURu thOL – the thousand shoulders of the demon bANa
udan – simultaneously
thuNiya – ensuring that they [1000 shoulders] got severed
venRu – becoming victorious
ilangum – (on account of that victory) being radiant
Arpadu – having sharpness
vAn – being strong
nEmi – having the divine disc
aravu aNaiyAn – emperumAn who reclines on AdhiSEshan
sE adikkE – at the reddish divine feet
nErpaduvAN – to approach
nenju – (my) heart
thAn – on its own
muyalum – will attempt


ninRu edhirAya – one who came as an enemy and stood. Since the demon bANAsuran had attained the thAmasa (ignorant) deity Siva as his protector, not knowing that kaNNan is the supreme being, he came to fight him.

nirai maNith thEr vANan – the demon came on a chariot which was studded with rows of gemstones.

thOL onRiya IraingyURu udan thuNiya – ensuring that all the 1000 shoulders got severed simultaneously. It is implied here that the 1000 shoulders were not equal to even one shoulder. The 1000 shoulders appeared to be similar to a tree which has one root and many branches.

udan thuNiya – severing them such that all 1000 shoulders fell at the same time. This implies that emperumAn alone, who did like this, is fit to be attained and other deities (such as Siva et al who came to protect vANa) are unfit to be attained.

venRu ilangum ArpaduvAn nEmi – emperumAn who has the divine disc which, being victorious, had the resultant radiance and was also sharp (the term Arpadugai (which is the root for ArpaduvAn) would mean sharpness or having spokes).

aravaNaiyAn sEvadikkE – at the divine feet of emperumAn who is reclining on AdhiSEshan

nErpaduvAn thAn muyalum nenju – the heart, on its own, is joyously trying to attain.

We will move on to the 81st pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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