mudhal thiruvandhAdhi – 42 – thirumagaLum maNmagaLum

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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What is the need for emperumAn to put up with our faults? AzhwAr says that since the pirAttimArs (his consorts), who make him tolerate, are beside him, he has necessity to do this. When pirAtti says, [as sIthAp pirAtti said] in SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 116-44 “pApAnAm vA SubhAnAm vA vadhArhANAm plavangama | kAryam karuNamAryENa na kaSchinnAparAdhyathi ||” (Oh monkey! Whether they are sinners or virtuous persons, mercy should be shown on those who are fit even to be killed. There is none who has not committed a sin), is there any impediment for emperumAn to say “dhOshOyadhyapi thasa syAth” (even if he has faults, let them be)?

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings.

thirumagaLum maNmagaLum AymagaLum sErndhAl
thirumagatkE thIrndhavARu enkol thirumagaL mEl
pAl Odham sindhap pada nAgaNaik kidandha
mAlOdha vaNNar manam

Word by Word Meanings

pAl Odham sindha – droplets to fall on the milky ocean
padam nAgaNaikkidandha – reclining on the mattress of thiruvandhAzhwAn (AdhiSEshan) with hoods
mAl Odham vaNNar – emperumAn with the complexion of large ocean
thirumagaL mEl manam – divine mind which is (full of love) on thirumagaL (SrI mahAlakshmi)
thirumagaLum maNmagaLum AymagaLum sErndhAl – if SrIdhEvi, bhUdhEvi and neeLA dhEvi are together
thirumagatkE thIrndha ARu enkol – what a surprise that it is totally involved with SrI dhEvi!


ananthAzhwAn, one of our Acharyars (a disciple of bhagavadh rAmAnuja) would explain the meaning of this pAsuram as: When thirumagaL (SrI mahAlakshmi), maNmagal (bhUdhEvi) and Aymagal (neeLAdhEvi) get together, emperumAn with the complexion of a large ocean, who is reclining on the mattress of AdhiSEshan, would be such that he is (a) totally dedicated to mahAlakshmi,  (b) totally dedicated to bhUdhEvi and (c) totally dedicated to neeLA dhEvi. In other words, when he is with each of his consorts, it would appear that he is totally involved with and dedicated to that consort. ananthAzhwAn would say, how wondrous it is that he is involved equally with all the three consorts!

parASara bhattar (divine son of kUraththAzhwAn) would give a different meaning, it is said.

pAl Odham sindha – in such a way that tiny droplets of thiruppARkadal (milky ocean) would come and touch emperumAn’s divine feet as if to massage

pada nAgaNaik kidandha – since emperumAn is reclining on him, AdhiSEshan is spreading his hoods in ecstasy. Such emperumAn who is …

mAl Odha vaNNar – having the complexion of a large ocean which throws waves

thirumagaL mEl manam – his divine mind which is affectionate towards periya pirAtti (SrI mahAlakshmi)

thirumagaLum maNmagaLum AymagaLum sErndhAl thirumagatkE thIrndhavARu – when he is with SrI mahAlakshmi, bhUdhEvi and neeLAdhEvi, his mind will be totally engaged with SrI mahAlakshmi.

In SrIguNarathnakOSam, SrI parASara bhattar has said mercifully while talking about the other consorts of emperumAn except SrI mahAlakshmi that they will be like “pushpAngarAgais samam” (similar to flower and sandalwood paste). In other words, when emperumAn is with SrI mahAlakshmi, the other consorts will be like aids such as the moon, sandalwood paste, flower, gentle breeze etc in enhancing his delight. The other consorts of emperumAn are like the divine limbs of SrI mahAlakshmi. Hence when emperumAn is with SrI mahAlakshmi, she would think that other consorts of emperumAn are also with her in partaking the experience. In samsAram, when a man has more than one wife, there will be constant fight among his wives as each wife feels that she has not had enough of her husband. In the case of emperumAn, since the experience is like a great flood, even if his consorts come together to experience him, their experience will not be sated. Hence there is no competition or jealousy amongst them.

We shall take up the 43rd pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa ramanuja dhAsan

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