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Introduction for this pAsuramHighlights from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s introduction
No specific introduction.
Highlights from nanjIyar‘s introduction
In the sixth pAsuram – When the heart said “such easily approachable emperumAn will not leave us”, AzhwAr says to his heart “If we stop leaving him citing our disqualification and acknowledge his help, he will never leave us”.
Highlights from vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s introduction
Subsequently, AzhwAr says to his heart “if both of us are aligned in our speech, emperumAn who has most distinct relationship with us, will never let us grieve”.
Highlights from periyavAchchAn piLLai‘s introduction
See nanjIyar‘s introduction.
Highlights from nampiLLai‘s introduction as documented by vadakkuth thiruvIdhip piLLai
See nanjIyar‘s introduction.
நீயும் நானும் இந் நேர் நிற்கில் மேல் மற்றோர்
நோயும் சார் கொடான் நெஞ்சமே! சொன்னேன்
தாயும் தந்தையும் ஆய் இவ் உலகினில்
வாயும் ஈசன் மணிவண்ணன் எந்தையே
nIyum nAnum in nEr niRkil mEl maRROr
nOyum sAr kodAn nenjamE! sonnEn
thAyum thandhaiyum Ay iv vulaginil
vAyum Isan maNivaNNan endhaiyE
Word-by-Word meanings (based on vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s 12000 padi)
thAyAyum – being affectionate like mother
thandhaiyAyum – looking after the well-being like father
ivvulaginil – in this world (which does not understand his glories)
vAyum – descended
Isan – out of his eternal lordship
maNivaNNan – manifesting his beautiful bluish gem like form to me, benevolently
endhai – being my master accepting my service (by doing all which had been said thus far)
nenjamE – Oh heart!
nIyum – you (who are humble to be ordained to worship) also
nAnum – me (who is having you as my tool)
i – in this manner explained thus far
nEr – not reject his favour
niRkil – if we stand by
mEl – future
maRRu – anything else (other than what is natural)
Or nOyum – any disease
sArkodAn – will not let them approach us
sonnEn – told you (this most important meaning)
Simple transalation (based on vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s 12000 padi)
bhagavAn who is like mother who looks after the desires of the children and father who looks after the well-being of the children, descended into this world solely due to his eternal relationship and favoured me with his bluish gem like form and thus became my master. Oh heart! If you and I stand by the aspect of not rejecting his help as explained thus far, I tell you that emperumAn will ensure that no diseases would approach us for eternity.
nOy – disease – Here it indicates ahankAram (ego), arththa (material wealth), kAma (lust) and sarIra sambandham (being attached to material body), karma sambandham (being bound in worldly activities) which are the causes for such ahankAra etc. It also indicates the aspect of separating from emperumAn considering one’s own disqualification.
vyAkyAnams (commentaries)
Highlights from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s vyAkyAnam
See vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s translation.
Highlights from nanjIyar‘s vyAkyAnam
See nampiLLai‘s vyAkyAnam.
Highlights from periyavAchchAn piLLai‘s vyAkyAnam
See nampiLLai‘s vyAkyAnam.
Highlights from nampiLLai‘s vyAkyAnam as documented by vadakkuth thiruvIdhip piLLai
- nIyum nAnum innEr niRkil – If you, who went behind garudAzhwAr (in search of bhagavAn) and I, having you as my assistant. who are going to enjoy the results, remain without excluding his help, i.e., as long as we are not like it is stated in srI rAmAyaNam yuddha kANdam 36.11 “na namEyam” ( I will not worship).
- mEl maRROr nOyum sArkodAn – he will protect from following types of diseases of leaving emperumAn:
- considering oneself very lowly and leaving emperumAn
- praying for ulterior benefits from emperumAn and on acquiring them, leaving him after that
- considering oneself as disqualified to approach emperumAn and thus leaving him
- pursuing other means (like karma gyAna bhakthi yOgams etc) and leaving emperumAn [It would take a really long time to reach emperumAn by these means]
- reaping the results of previous sins which will lead to leaving emperumAn
- nenjamE sonnEn – In this situation, AzhwAr is like thirukkOshtiyUr nambi who preserved the confidentiality of bhagavath vishayam from others [Even to instruct the meanings of charama slOkam, he made emperumAnAr walk 18 times and he instructed only after emperumAnAr vowed not to reveal it to unqualified persons]! After explaining to his heart, AzhwAr regrets/censures like krishNa who said in bhagavath gIthA 18.67 “idham thE na athapaskAya” (Do not reveal to those who are not austere). krishNa revealed charama slOkam (bhagavath gIthA 18.66) to arjuna after seeing dhraupathi’s pitiful state of disheveled hair. But after revealing that, thinking about the greatness of charama slOkam, he thinks “I have thrown a very expensive gem into the sea” and said “padhaN padhaN” (alas! alas!). Second explanation is: my instruction is valuable, but those who do not have faith in this will not benefit.
- thAyum thandhaiyumAy – Caring like mother and father, but is much greater than they are.
- ivvulaginil vAyum Isan – When a child falls into a well, the mother will jump in there as well to rescue the child – similarly, emperumAn jumps into samsAram to rescue the jIvAthmAs from here.
What is the reason for him descending here?
- Isan – Since he is the rightful master. Alternatively it can be explained that he descends into the material realm, eliminates the lordship of others and thus establishes his supremacy over all.
- maNivaNNan endhaiyE – By showing his physical beauty, he eliminated my material desires, he showed his lordship and established my servitude towards him.
As declared [by vEdha vyAsa bhagavAn] “…sathyam sathyam…” (There is no sAsthram greater than vEdham, there is no God superior to kEsava – this is truth, truth and truth again), this is truth.
In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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