upadhESa raththina mAlai – 25

SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:
SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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pAsuram 25

ErAr madhurakavi ivvulagil vandhu udhiththa
seerArum chiththiraiyil chiththirai nAL – pArulagil
maRRuLLa AzhvArgaL vandhu udhiththa nALgaLilum
uRRadhu emakku enRu nenjE Or.                                                 25


Word by word meaning

Er Ar – Full of beauty (that is)
madhurakavimadhurakavi AzhvAr
vandhu udhiththa – came and divined his incarnation
iv ulagil – in this world
seer Arum – (in the) fully great
chiththiraiyil – month of chiththirai (chaithra)
chiththirai nAL – in the star day of chiththirai (chithrA);
emakku – for us
uRRadhu enRu – (this day is to be chosen because) it matches our svarUpam (true nature)
nALgaLilum – than the divine star days of
maRRuLLa – the other
AzhvArgaL – ten AzhvArs
vandhu udhiththa – who came and divined their incarnation
pAr ulagil – in the earth;
nenjE – Oh my mind
Or – understand this.


Out of the three mentioned earlier, considering the middle one that is madhurakavi AzhvAr, he (maNavALa mAmunigaL) divines to his confidential mind that the chiththirai star day (chithrA) during vasantha (spring) season (month of chiththirai (chaithra)), which is the star day of this AzhvAr, is the one that would be apt for our svarUpam (true nature (of serving emperumAn’s devotees)), compared to other AzhvArs‘ divine star days.

ErAr madhurakavi – he is – as said in ‘avargaLaich chiriththiruppAr oruvar [SrI vachana bhUshaNam – 409](~ this AzhvAr who is always happy due to surrendering to nammAzhvAr (a devotee), would be laughing at the other AzhvArs who have surrendered to emperumAn since they would be happy when emperumAn graces them and sad when emperumAn does not show up for them), such madhurakavi AzhvAr is involved in AchArya abhimAnam (getting the love of AchAryan).

Er’ (beauty) for him is – ‘AchAryavAn [chAndhOgya upanishath 6.14.2]’ (one having the AchAryan only would understand the true entity), thus being the place of jewellery for the world. He is ‘anbar adikku anbar [gyAna sAram – 39]’ (devotee of lotus feet of His devotees) isn’t it? As he is ‘thilatham enath thirivAr [gyAna sAram – 39]’ (considers the devotees of krishnAn to be as holy as the thilakam that is smeared on one’s forehead), he is the devotee of ‘jagathAbharaNar’ (jewel that decorates the world) (nammAzhvAr), isn’t it?

Er Ar’ is – having the completeness of: dependence on the will of AchAryan (AchArya parathanthran), such that madhurakavi AzhvAr could also lead to that same nishtai (intent).

azhwar-madhurakavi-nathamunimadhurakavi AzhvAr with nammAzhvAR – (dhEvap)perumAL kOyil (kAncheepuram)

ivvulagil vandhu udhiththa – such AzhvAr, like how there is rise of aruNan before that of the sun, he incarnated before the sun that is vakuLabhUshaNa bhAskarar (nammAzhvAr).

seerArum chiththiraiyil chiththirai nALSince he having ‘Er Ar’ (complete beauty) incarnated, this day is also being ‘seer Ar’ (complete greatness). Since he is being SrImAn (having (true) wealth {AchArya abhimAnam}), the month of his incarnation also matched ‘chaithra: SrImAn ayam mAsa: (SrI rAmAyaNam – ayodhyA kANdam – 3.4] (~this month of chiththirai is very best).

seer Arum – can be applied as adjective for both the chiththirais {month and star day / or, as quoted in SrI rAmAyaNam above, and for AzhvAr}.

As said in ‘chiththA nakshathram bhavathi [thaiththirIya upanishath]’ (chiththirai star day happened), this star day is celebrated by Sruthi as well.

This day is an important uthsavam day in kOyil (srIrangam) as gajEndhra mOksham (elephant) (thiruvURal uthsavam).

This AzhvAr is a mahAthmA as said in ‘periyavar seerai [rAmAnusa nURRanthAdhi – 18]’ (madhurakavi AzhvAr’s qualities such as knowledge etc).

In this way, it is having the greatness that is not present for any other day – such star day.

pArulagil maRRuLLa AzhvArgaL vandhu udhiththa nALgaLilum – In this world, as said in ‘uNda pOdhu oru vArththaiyum uNNAtha pOdhu oru vArththaiyum solluvAr paththup pEr [SrI vachana bhUshaNam – 408] (other AzhvArs who have surrendered to emperumAn would be happy and praise Him and His related items when emperumAn graces them, and be sad and say the opposite about them when emperumAn does not show up for them) –

– compared to the months and days of incarnation of such ten AzhvArs,

for removing the darkness in this world (indha ulagil iruL neenga vandhu udhiththa mAdhangaL nALgaL (upadhEsa raththina mAlai – 5]) –

uRRadhu emakku enRu nenjE Or – (the divine star day of incarnation of madhurakavi AzhvAr) is apt for our svarUpam (true nature) which is like ‘madhurakavi soRpadiyE nilaiyAgap peRROm [Arththip prabandham – 55] (have got the state of the words/ways of madhurakavi AzhvAr (doing service to AchAryan)). It is said ‘uRRadhum un adiyArkku adimai [periya thirumozhi 8.10.3] (~ (what I learned from thirumanthram is that I am a servant of your devotees).

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English Translation: raghurAm SrInivAsa dhAsan

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