nAchchiyAr thirumozhi – paththAm paththu (Tenth decad) – kArkkOdal

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

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Since she wanted to sustain herself, ANdAL had fallen at the feet of beetles in pAsuram 9-5 of the previous decad (sindhurach chembodi) as well as at the feet of clouds in the eighth decad viNNeela mElAppu. Those actions did not bear fruit for her. Her distress was such that “She could sustain herself only if he comes in person and manifests his face or indicates his arrival through certain hints”. The monsoon season, when he had promised that he would return, had come, but he hadn’t. Flowers etc which appear during that season, appeared everywhere, reminding her of his divine form, divine speech, beautiful limbs as well as the splendour of his limbs. They started tormenting her in such a way that she was getting bewildered as well as coming out of bewilderment. Being troubled by them, she thought “Since all these harass us a lot by getting together, there are only the following two ways by which we could live”. (1). In SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 18-3 rAma tells the assembly of his advisors “mithra bhAvEna samprAptham na thyajEyam kathanchana l dhOshO yadhyapi thasya syAth sathAmEthath agarhitham ll” (I will not let down this vibhIshaNa who has come as a friend. Even if he has any faults, let them be; for good people, accepting him is not to be despised). In mahAbhAratham udhyAna parvam 70-48, krishNa tells dhraupadhi “dhyau: pathEth pruthivI SIryEth himavAn SakaleebhavEth l sushyEth thOyanidhi: krushNE! na mE mOgham vachO bhavEth ll” (Oh krishNA [dhraupadhi is called as krishNA]! Sky may fall; earth may break into smithereens; mountain himAchalam may break into pieces; ocean may dry up; but my word will not go waste). In SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 18-33, SrI rAma tells sugrIva “sakrudhEva prapannAya thavAsmIthi cha yAchathE l abhayam sarvabhUthEbhyO dhadhAmi Ethath vratham mama ll” (To the person who surrenders to me once and to the person who tells me ‘I am your servitor’ I offer protection from all entities alive. This is my vow). Since in all these pramANams [authentic proofs], emperumAn’s words will not go waste, I could live due to those words. Alternatively (2). Having been born as the divine daughter of periyAzhwAr, she could live. If one were to think of living based on his words, one cannot compel him, who is a svathanthran (totally independent entity) to abide by his words. If he were to be indifferent towards someone, no one can stop him from doing so since he is svathanthran. Even if his words do not provide succour, having been born as the divine daughter of periyAzhwAr, it will not deny the ultimate benefit. With the first option she has to keep doubting “Will it fructify or not? Will we be accepted by emperumAn or not?” Beyond that she becomes firm, thinking “Even if all the other options fail, the relationship with periyAzhwAr will never fail. That [relationship] is capable of transforming his svAthanthryam and will not stop until it takes her to his divine feet”. Affirming that relationship, she says that she sustained herself due to that relationship and brings the decad to its end. In the pramANam given earlier from SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 18-3 [mithrabhAvEna….], even though he will not let us down, just as it has been said in SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 18-34 “Anayainam hariSrEshta dhaththamasyAbhayam mayA l vibhIshaNO vA sugrIva! yadhi vA rAvaNa: svayam ll” (Oh sugrIva, the most distinguished among monkey warriors! Bring him here. Whether it is vibhIshaNa or rAvaNa, he has been granted refuge by me), another entity is needed to unite us with him. This thirumozhi [divine verses] shows that. The following narration is worth recalling here: SrI parASara bhattar [son of kUraththAzhwAn] had mercifully gone to a place called as SrIdhEvimangalam, in order to see a chieftain, by name vANavadharaiyan. Seeing some SrIvaishNavas engaging with him with a lot of flurry, some people asked him “While emperumAn is there, why are SrIvaishNavas engaging with you?” bhattar responded, saying “To attain emperumAn, his followers will act as ghatakars (purushkAra bhUthar or recommending entities); looking at my connection with AzhwAn [kUraththAzhwAn, his father], they engage with me [considering me as a ghatakar]”.

Next, we will consider the 1st pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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