SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
periya thirumozhi >> Second centum >> Third decad
Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)
No specific introduction.
indhiranukkenRu AyargaL eduththa ezhil vizhavil pazha nadaisey
mandhira vidhiyil pUsanai peRAdhu mazhai pozhindhidath thaLarndhu Ayar
endhammOdu ina Anirai thaLarAmal emperumAn! aruL enna
andhamil varaiyAl mazhai thaduththAnaith thiruvallikkENik kaNdEnE
Word-by-Word meanings
indhiranukku enRu – to offer feast for indhra
AyargaL – cowherds
eduththa – vowed
ezhil – beautiful
vizhavil – in the festival of sacrifice
pazha nadai sey – as per previous practice
mandhira vidhiyil – as per manthrams
pUsanai peRAdhu – due to not getting worshipped
mazhai – hale
pozhindhida – made it rain
Ayar – cowherds
thaLarndhu – became sad
emperumAn – Oh our lord!
endhammOdu – with us
inam – herds of
Anirai – herds of cow
thaLarAmal – to not suffer
aruL – mercifully protect
enna – as they prayed
andham il – immeasurable
varaiyAl – by gOvardhana mountain
mazhai – that rain
thaduththAnai – one who stopped
thiruvallikkENik kaNdEnE – saw in thiruvallikkENi
Simple translation
indhra did not get worshipped as per previous practice with manthrams in the beautiful festival of sacrifice which was vowed to be celebrated with offering of a feast; he became angry and sent a rain of hale to cause sadness to the cowherds; as they prayed “Oh our lord! Mercifully protect us along with our herds and herds of cows, to not let us suffer”; I saw such emperumAn who stopped that rain with the immeasurable gOvardhana mountain, in thiruvallikkENi.
Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
indhiran … – Every year, the residents of thiruvAyppAdi (gOkulam), would give a grand feast to indhran, the lord of three worlds, for the sake of proper rain. krishNa thought “In the town where I am born and living, just as a dog eats the offering placed for a sacrifice, how can a dhEvathA come and consume food here?” and asked them “What are you doing?” They said “We are offering a feast to indhra for the sake of rain”. He said “Isn’t it this gOvardhana hill which gives shade to us and our cows, and also offers grass? When one entity helps should we show gratitude to someone else? Just offer to the hill”; can anyone refuse anything from krishNa when he looks at the face and tells? Hence, they gathered all the food and mounted that in front of the hill.
indhiran … – In the beautiful festival of sacrifice performed by cowherds for indhra, as he did not receive the worship as per previous practice with manthrams; he became angry due to hunger and caused hale; due to that, the cowherds suffered and said “you mercifully protect us who are the protectors of cows and the herds of cows to not suffer”. With this, it is said that the protector – protected relationship in the world is of no use [bhagavAn is the protector and everyone else is protected].
andham il … – Blocking that hale with the mountain which is bigger than the hale. Similarly, one who descended to eliminate the rain of samsAra for me as said in sthOthra rathnam 49 “santhatha dhu:kha varshiNi” (pouring down sorrows continuously).
In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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