periya thirumadal – 55 – pannu kara thalamum

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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pannu kara thalamum kaNgalum pangayaththin
ponniyal kAdOr maNivarai mEl pUththadhu pOl                                                               75

Word by word meaning

pannu kara thalamum – the divine hands which are to be praised
kaNgaLum – the divine eyes
Or maNi varai mEl ponniyal pangayaththin kAdu pUththadhu pOl – just like a forest of golden lotus blooming on top of a bluish gem coloured mountain (and shining)


pannu kara thalamum – When emperumAn lifts the person who has fallen at his divine feet and embraces him with his hands, the person will exclaim “is this a hand!” in delirium. pannu karathalam would also mean that emperumAn’s divine hands will multiply into hundreds and thousands, because of embracing the person who had surrendered at his divine feet. thiruvAimozhi 8-1-10 also says “thOLgaL AyiraththAy” (you who are having thousand divine shoulders).

kaNgaLum – the divine eyes will look comfortingly at those who he has embraced. Did not periya thirumozhi say in 7-1-9 “uyirkkellAm thAyAyaLikkinRa thaNdAmaraikkaN” (the cool, comforting eye, which is like a cool lotus, which looks at all creatures like a mother)? While the hands have to stretch to the place where the surrendered person is standing [in order to embrace him], the eyes will feel the person, remaining in their place. If the eyes glance at a person, it would appear as if he has been felled by a hailstorm.

pangayaththin ponniyal kAdu Or maNi varai mEl pUththadhu pOl – just like a forest of golden lotus has blossomed atop a mountain made of bluish gem stone. The forest of golden lotus comprises the divine chest, divine mouth, divine feet, divine hands and divine eyes as mentioned in the previous verses. Alternatively, this could be taken as referring to the beauty of the divine form which combines well with the beauty of the divine jewels which are to be said next.

In the next article, we will discuss the next part of this prabandham.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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