periya thirumozhi – 5.7.10 – ponnum

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


ponnum mAmaNiyum muththamum sumandhu
porudhirai mAnadhi pudai sUzhndhu
annamAdu ulavum alai punal sUzhndha
arangamA nagar amarndhAnai
mannu mAmAda mangaiyar thalaivan
mAnavEl kaliyan vAy oligaL
panniya panuval pAduvAr nALum
pazhavinai paRRu aRuppArE

Word-by-Word meanings

ponnum – gold
mA – great
maNiyum – precious gems
muththamum – pearl
sumandhu – collecting
porudhu – banging against one another
thirai – having waves
mA – great
nadhi – by thirukkAvEri (river kAvEri)
pudai – in the surroundings
sUzhndhu – surrounded
mAdu – on the sides
annam – swans
ulavum – roaming around
alai – having waves
punal – by ponds such as chandhra pushakariNi
sUzhndha – surrounded
aranga mA nagar – in the great town of SrIrangam
amarndhAnai – on periya perumAL who is mercifully reclining
mannu – eternal
mA – great
mAdam – having mansions
mangaiyar – for the residents of the town thirumangai
thalaivan – one who is the lord
mAnam – expansive
vEl – having the weapon spear
kaliyan – AzhwAr
vAy oligaL – mercifully spoken
panniya – one which is having no shortcomings in the qualities
panuval – pAsurams
pAduvAr – those who sing
nALum – daily
pazha vinai – the ancient karma
paRRu aRuppAr – will rid of completely, without the scent

Simple translation

The great town of SrIrangam is surrounded by thirukkAvEri which is having great waves which are banging against one another and whose water is collecting gold, great precious gems and pearl; it is also surrounded by ponds such as chandhra pushakariNi which are having swans roaming around, in the surroundings. periya perumAL is mercifully reclining in such SrIrangam. thirumangai AzhwAr, who is having the expansive spear and is the lord of the residents of the town thirumangai which is having eternal, great mansions, has mercifully spoken these ten pAsurams which are having no shortcomings in the qualities; those who sing these pAsurams daily, will rid the ancient karma completely, without the scent.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

ponnum … – There is a great river which is carrying gold, precious gems which are priceless, pearl and is having waves which are banging against one another – that is kAvEri. In those surroundings, the sides in SrIrangam are surrounded with ponds such as chandhra pushkariNi which have swans roaming around; sarvESvaran has descended on such SrIrangam and is mercifully resting here. thirumangai AzhwAr who is the leader of the residents of thirumangai which is having mansions which are not desytroyed even in praLayam (deluge) and is having expansive spear, mercifully spoke ten pAsurams on such emperumAn. Those who can recite these ten pAsurams which are faultless in all qualities, will get to eliminate their karma which has been accumulated since time immemorial, along with their vAsanA (scent).

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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