periya thirumozhi – 5.6.9 – poy vaNNam

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

periya thirumozhi >> Fifth centum >> Sixth decad

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


poy vaNNam manaththu agaRRip pulan aindhum sela vaiththu
mey vaNNam ninaindhavarkku mey ninRa viththaganai
maivaNNam karumugil pOl thigazh vaNNam maradhagaththin
avvaNNa vaNNanai yAn kaNdadhu thennarangaththE

Word-by-Word meanings

poy – objects which are temporary, based on worldly-matter
vaNNam – holding on to their nature
manam – mind
agaRRi – freed
aindhu pulan – five senses
sela vaiththu – withdrawing from the worldly matters
mey vaNNam – truly
ninaindhavarkku – for those who meditated upon him
mey ninRa – one who remained truly
viththganai – being amazing
mai vaNNam – like black-pigment’s complexion
karu mugil pOl – like a dark cloud
thigazh – shining
vaNNam – having complexion
maradhagaththin – the jewel named emerald, its
avvaNNam – such complexion
vaNNanai – having complexion
yAn kaNdadhu then arangaththE – I am seeing in the beautiful SrIrangam

Simple translation

For those who truly meditated upon him after freeing the mind which was holding on to the nature of worldly-matter based objects which are temporary and withdrawing the five senses from the worldly matters, bhagavAn is true and amazing; he is having the complexion of black pigment, dark cloud and the shining complexion of the jewel named emerald; I am seeing such bhagavAn in the beautiful SrIrangam, having such complexion.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

poy vaNNam – poy indicates prakruthi (primordial matter) and prAkrutham (matter based objects); thaiththirIya upanishath Anandhavalli 6 says “sathyanchA nruthancha sathyamabhavath” (the paravasthu [greatest entity] was sathyam (without any change) even though it exists as sathyam (chEthana thathvam or sentient entity) and asathyam (achEthana thathvam or insentient entity). Mind which is attached to the nature of such worldly objects.

agaRRi – Giving up the thought of considering prakruthi and prAkrutham as good and permanent.

pulan … – Even if we take the mind away, the external sense will again engage the mind with the same matter; ensuring that they don’t run behind worldly pleasures.

mey vaNNam … – One who performs bhakthi (devotion) towards him with true knowledge about self.

mey ninRa viththaganai – The amazing bhagavAn who truly reveals his svarUpam (true nature) etc.

When asked “What does he reveal them?” AzhwAr responds

mai vaNNam … – As said in kata upanishath 1-2-23 “nAyamAthmA pravachanE na labhyO na mEdhayA na bahUnA SruthEna l yamEvaisha vruNuthE thEna labhyas thasyaisha AthmA vivruNuthE thanUm svAm ll” (This supreme entity cannot be attained by hearing, by thinking or by meditation (devoid of devotion). To that person, who the supreme entity draws towards him, he manifests his auspicious divine form), one who has complexion of an emerald which is having complexion of black pigment and dark cloud .

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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