nAchchiyAr thirumozhi – 9.9 – kOngu alarum

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction) – she says that she is lying in a futile way, like the konRai trees (Indian laburnum) which are lying in thirumAlirunjOlai. She is asking as to when she will hear the triuamphant blowing of emperumAn’s conch and the resounding noise of emperumAn’s sArngam (divine bow) and sustain herself.

kOngalarum pozhil mAlirunjOlaiyil konRaigaL mEl
thUngu pon mAlaigaLOdu udanAy ninRu thUnguginREn
pUngoL thirumugaththu maduththUdhiya sangoliyum
sArngavil nAN oliyum thalaipeyvadhu enjgyAnRugolO?

Word-by-Word Meanings

kOngu alarum pozhil – having gardens with kOngu trees (a kind of cotton tree, silk-cotton), which have blossomed
mAlirunjOlaiyil – in thirumAlirunjOlai
konRaigaL mEl – on top of konRai trees (Indian laburnum)
thUngu – hanging
pon mAlaigaLOdu udanAy ninRu – matching those golden hued garlands
thUnguginREn – I am remaining in a futile way
pU koL – having beauty
thirumugaththu – on his divine lips
maduththu – kept there
Udhiya – blown
sanguSrI pAnchajanyam’s(divine conch)
oliyum – its triumphant sound
sArngam vil nAN oliyum – the sound of SArngam bow (emperumAn’s divine bow)
thalaippeyvadhu – going in proximity
enjgyANRu kol – when will it be?

Simple Translation

In thirumAlirunjOlai, where its gardens are blossoming with kOngu trees, on top of konRai trees, golden hued garlands are hanging, in a futile way. I am also much similar to those garlands, lying in a futile way. When will I get to hear SrI pAnchajanyam’s triumphant noise made from the divine lips of emperumAn and the sound of his SArngam bow?

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

kOngalarum pozhil …. thUnguginREn – I am lying in a futile way, just like the golden hued garlands which are hanging from the top of konRai trees which are in thirumAlirunjOlai, where silk-cotton trees are blossoming in gardens. Will the bunches of flowers of konRai trees be of no use? Since this is the mountain of emperumAn’s, devotees of Siva, who are filled with thamO guNa (qualities of laziness, ignorance etc) will not come there. SrI vaishNavas (devotees of lord vishNu), who are filled with sathvaguNa (noble qualities) will not use these flowers, which are meant for Siva. Hence, these konRai flowers, which are blossoming in bunches, are lying in futile, with no one to use them. Being born as periyAzhwAr’s divine daughter, having mercifully said as in nAchchiyAr thirumozhi 12-4 “gOvindhanakku allAl vAyil pOgA” (they will not enter anyone’s mouth other than emperumAn’s) and in nAchchiyAr thirumozhi 1-5mAnidavarkkenRu pEchdchuppadil vAzhagillEn” (I will not be alive if anyone spoke about marrying me to any human entity), ANdAL considers herself as apt only for emperumAn. periyavAchchAn piLLai, one of our preceptors and the commentator for this prabandham, would feel terrible that such ANdAL, who belongs only to emperumAn, was suffering like this.

pUngoL …. enjgyAnRu kolO – there are deep meanings to the reference of the sounds of divine conch and divine bow. In SrI rAmAvathAram (incarnation of SrI rAma), sIthAp pirAtti was in aSOka vanam, waiting to hear the sound of SrI rAma’s divine bow. In krishNAvathAram (incarnation of krishNa), rukmiNip pirAtti was waiting to hear the sound of krishNa’s pAnchajanyam, after her marriage with SiSupAlan had been fixed. ANdAL feels that her situation was much worse than their respective situation and that she could sustain herself only if she hears the sounds of both the divine weapons which they were eagerly waiting to hear. When her marriage with SiSupALan was about to take place, rukmiNip pirAtti sustained herself only after hearing the triumphant call of SrI pAnchajanyam, from the outer gardens. In aSOka vanam, after hearing the divine sound of SrI SArngam, made by SrI rAma when he entered lankA, sIthAp pirAtti sustained herself even when rAvaNa showed her the illusory severed head of SrI rAma. Since ANdAL’s anguish is much more than those two pirAttis’ anguish, she says that she could sustain herself only if she hears the sounds of the divine conch and the divine bow, together.

Next, we will consider the last pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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