nAchchiyAr thirumozhi – iraNdAm thirumozhi (Second decad) – nAmam Ayiram

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

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Seeing the way ANdAL took refuge under kAman [in order to take his help to unite with emperumAn], kaNNan (emperumAn) felt very sad. “These people have the eminence that we make efforts to attain them; now the situation has come to such a pass that they are taking efforts to attain us! Even here, instead of falling at our feet to make their attempts, we have delayed the process so much that they had to fall at the feet of another deity! The way we are carrying out our deeds is indeed distinguished!” [it is in a mood of self-criticism that he is saying this and not that he is happy with his methods]. He felt sad in his heart, just as he had delayed protecting gajEndhrAzhwAn (the elephant who was caught by the crocodile when it entered a pond to pluck flowers for offering to emperumAn]. When he had incarnated in thiruvAyppAdi (SrI gOkulam), he had seen the herd-people offering food to indhran, the chief of celestial entities, so that he would accept their offerings and grant them rain, in return. Unable to tolerate that deed of theirs, thinking “In the place where we were born and brought up, how could some people make an offering to some other deity?” he told them “Take all these food stuffs and offer them to the mountain gOvardhana”. As the indwelling soul of that mountain, he ate up all the food which they offered to gOvardhana.  Would he, who could not tolerate a few morsels of food being offered to another deity, tolerate if his followers take refuge under the feet of kAman? He is such that he could not tolerate if his followers adopt the path of karma yOgam, gyAna yOgam or bhakthi yOgam (the paths of deed, knowledge and devotion, respectively) or take refuge under another deity, thinking that he is that deity’s antharyAmi [indwelling soul]. How could he tolerate when someone falls directly at the feet of kAman? Hence, just as he came to the rescue of gajEndhrAzhwAn, after his divine mind became sad, he came very fast and showed them [the girls who were observing the rituals in thiruvAyppAdi] his divine face. They, angry that he had tortured them, did not pay heed to him and were intent on building their siRRil [toy house, made of sand], as a part of their kAma samASrayaNam (taking refuge under kAman). He started destroying their toy houses. They beseeched him in many ways saying “Do not destroy these”. However much they pleaded, he said “I will destroy them”. A mahAbhAratha type of war erupted between him and them. Then, saying, as in nAchchiyAr thirumozhi 2-9 “emmaippaRRi meyppiNakkittakkAl” (holding us, if you embrace us …) he united with them, embracing them. This thirumozhi talks about this, and ends with separation which follows union.

Next, we will consider the 1st pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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