amalanAdhipirAn – thaniyan 2

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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thiruppANAzhvAr – uRaiyUr
periya thirumalai nambi

thaniyan offered by SrI periya thirumalai nambi

He (SrI thirumalai nambi) asks us to praise and be pleased by praising SrI pANperumAL who enjoyed periya perumAL from his feet to the head. 

kAttave kaNda pAdhakamala nallAdai undhi 
thEttarum udhara bandham thirumArvu kaNdamsevvAy
vAttamil kaNgaL mEni muni ERith thanipugundhu 
pAttinAl kaNdu vAzhum pANar thAL paravinOmE

word-by-word meaning:

  • muni ERi – (mounting on the shoulders of) lokasAranga muni 
  • thani pugundhu – entering into the sanctum alone 
  • kAttavE kaNda – seeing as was shown by (emperumAn)
  • pAdha kamalam – the lotus( like tender, beautiful) feet 
  • nal Adai – excellent silken robes 
  • undhi – (auspicious) navel 
  • thEttarum – hard to attain 
  • udhara bandham – golden waist band 
  • thiru mArvu – the chest where SrI mahAlakshmi dwells 
  • kaNdam – graceful neck 
  • sevvAy – red lips 
  • vAttamil – tireless ( untiring)
  • kaNgaL – beautiful eyes 
  • mEni – the auspicious body (with these)
  • pAttinAl kaNdu vAzhum – seeing blissfully with the chant of these pAsurams 
  • pANar – thiruppANAzhwAr’s 
  • thAL – auspicious feet 
  • paravinOm – we are fortunate to worship 

piLLai lOkam jIyar’s vyakhyAnam : 

kAttave kaNda pAdhakamalam“arangaththammAn thirukkamalapAdham vandhen kaNNinuLLana okkinRave” refers to “SrI rangeSayapAdha pankajayugam”, the pair of lotus feet of SrI rangarAjan as mentioned in SrI rangarAja sthavam 1-125 “sinjAnaSruthi sinjinI maNiravair vajrAravindhadhvaja chathrI kalpaka Sanka chakra mukurais thaiS thaiScha rEkhamayai: aiSwaryENa jayam thrivikrama mukham gushyathbirAmreditham SrI rangEsaya pAtha pankajayugam vanthAmahE sundharam” (we worship the pair of periya perumAL’s lotus feet which have the symbols of sarvESvarathvam (ultimate supremacy), the bells in the nUpura which are vEdham sounding always thereby publicizing the victorious activities like measuring the hemispheres in three feet, the vajra symbol, other symbols like (aravindham) lotus,  chathrI (umbrella), kalpaka (the heavenly tree granting boons), Sankha chakra (the very identities of emperumAn), dhwaja (flag), mukura (mirror). Did not SrI parASara bhattar rejoice capitulating these auspicious symbols?

nallAdai-  refers to the golden robes of ranganAtha as in “arangaththammAn araich chivantha Adai“.

undhi“arangath tharavin aNaiyAn ayanaip padaiththadhOr ezhil undhi”. This describes the lotus in the navel (nAbhI kamalam) which is the genesis of brahmA and Siva.

thEttarum udhara bandham – The  waistband of much sought after nectar that is ranganAthan. “arangaththammAn thiru vayiRRudhara bandham” refers to “pattam kilOdhara bandhanam” as described in SrI rangarAja sthavam 1-115 “thrividha chith achith brundham thundAvalambi valithrayam vigaNayathi vaiSvaryam vyAkhyAthi ranga mahEsithu: praNathavasathAm brUthE dhAmOdharathvakara: kiNa: thathubayaguNAkrushtam pattam kilOdhara bandhanam” (The waistband around periya perumAL’s hip described the three types of chEthana achEthana, the control over which is His aiSvaryam (wealth)). The trace of the string around his waist that earned him the epithet dhAmOdhara proclaims his utter commitment to his devotees namely ASritha pArathanthryam. The ornament udhara bandhanam is the crowning glory for his parathva and saulabhya.

thirumArvu“arangaththammAn thiruvAra mArvu” describes the chest which is the dwelling palace for SrI mahAlakshmi.

kaNdam – “aranga nagar mEyavappan muRRumuNda kaNdam” describes the neck (kaNdam) of ranganAtha.

sevvAy – “aNiyaranganAr seyyavAi”; SrI rangarAja sthavam 1-103 describes the aruNAdhara pallavam – “adhara madhurAmbhOjam thathkarNa pAsamruNALikA valayamapi mAmAsthAm rangEndhru vakthra saras chiram nayana sabaram nAsAsaivAlavallari karNikA makaram alakasrENI paryantha neelavanAvali” (The beautiful face of periya perumAL is like a pond with the graceful lotus of lips, excellent earlobes like the lotus stem, eyes like fish, nose like a green creeper,  thick locks of hair like the park around should always grace me.)

vAttamil kaNgaL – glittering every second, fresh yet at variance with lotus, as mentioned in amalanAdhipirAn 8 “arangaththamalan mugaththuk kariyavAkip pudai parandhu miLirndhu sevvariyOdi nINda apperiyavAya kaNgaL” (broad, long, red lined) beautiful, cool,  white and red mixed lotus eyes of the great lover of Srirangam (Sriranga praNayi).

mEni – such a dhivya mangaLa vigraham.

thani pugundhu – entering this great enjoyment, alone.

pAttinAl – by the songs amalanAdhipirAn as an outlet for experience.  Living through these songs is this AzhwAr.  Later bhattar became an expert (dhESikar) in this.

kaNdu vAzhum – this vision, dharSanam alone is the life for him

pANar thAL – the feet of pAN perumAL who stands with vINA in his hand .

paravinOm – we worshipped. We also got what is unattainable.  Now we have nothing to yearn for. 

adiyEn sadagOpan rAmAnuja dAsan

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