perumAL thirumozhi – 9.5 – porundhAr kai

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

perumAL thirumozhi >> 9th Decad

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avathArikai (Introduction)

He laments in this pAsuram that having been born as the son of this great sinner [dhaSarathan, talking about himself] who listened to the words of the cruel sinner kaikEyi, SrI rAma had to go willingly to the harsh forest, which, none wanted to go to.

porundhAr kai vEl nudhi pOl paral pAya melladikkaL kurudhi sOra
virumbAdha kAn virumbi veyiluRaippa vembasi nOy kUra inRu
perumbAviyEn maganE! pOginRAy kEkayar kOn magaLAyp peRRa
arumbAvi soR kEtta aruvinaiyEn en seygEn? andhO yAnE

Word-by-Word Meanings

porundhAr kai vEl nudhi pOl – just like the sharp end of a spear in the hands of enemies
paral pAya – with the stones hitting (the foot)
mel adikkaL – the soft feet
kurudhi sOra – starting to bleed
veyil uRaippa – with the sun scorching
vembasi nOy kUra – with the cruel hunger becoming acute
perumbAviyEn maganE – oh the son of this great sinner!
virumbAdha kAn virumbi pOginRAy – you are going willingly towards the forest (just because I had asked you to go to), which no one desires to go to
kEkayar kOn magaLAy peRRa – being born as daughter to the king of kEkaya country
arumbAvi – the great sinner, kaikEyi’s
sol kEtta aruvinaiyEn yAn – I, the great sinner, who listened to
andhO en seygEn – alas! What remedial action could I take?

Simple Translation

With stones which are like the sharp edge of a spear which pierces enemies’ hands, hitting the soft feet such that the feet start bleeding, with the sun scorching, with hunger becoming unbearable, oh the son of this great sinner! You are willingly going towards the forest, which none desires to go to. I, the great sinner, had listened to the words of the cruel sinner kaikEyi, the daughter of kEkaya king. Alas! How could I atone for that?

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

porundhAr kai vEl nudhi pOl paral pAya – with the stones in the forest hitting like the sharp edge of a spear in the hands of enemies                

melladikkaL kuridhi sOra – the feet are so soft that they cannot bear the pain of walking even on a smooth floor [in the palace]. However, when they have to go on the sharp stones in the forest, they will start bleeding.

virumbAdha kAn virumbi – even those with firm legs will not desire to go to a forest. Just because I had asked you to go to, you are desirously going to the forest.

veyil uRaippa vembasi nOy kUra – apart from the stones piercing the foot, the sun will also be scorching from above. At appropriate times, due to non-availability of food to eat, hunger will also become acute. You are going under these circumstances.

inRu perum pAviyEn maganE pOginRAy – haven’t you been compelled to go, only because you were born as the son of this great sinner?

kEkayar kOn magaLAyp peRRa arum pAvi sol kEtta – the king of kEkaya country has given birth to a heap of sins, as his daughter. I, who had got caught in her words ….

aruvinaiyEn en seygEn andhO yAnE – this act of mine has no atonement. How will I carry out any remedial action? Alas.

We will next take up the 6th pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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