perumAL thirumozhi – 6.8 – ennai varuga ena

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

perumAL thirumozhi >> 6th Decad

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avathArikai (Introduction)

This pAsuram is the words spoken by another cowherd girl, in the pathos of love-quarrel.

ennai varuga enakkuRiththittu inamalar mullaiyin pandhar nIzhal
manniyavaLaip puNarap pukku maRRennaik kaNdu uzhaRA negizhndhAy
ponniRa Adaiyaik kaiyil thAngip poyyachcham kAtti nI pOdhiyELum
innam en kaiyagaththu IngorunAL varudhiyEl en sinam thIrvan nAnE

Word-by-Word Meanings

ennai varuga ena – calling me (to a particular place)
kuRiththittu – notifying the place
inam malar mullaiyin pandhar nIzhal – in the shadow of the jasmine shed, having plenty of flowers
manniyavaLai – one who had taken residence there, awaiting him
puNarappukku – to unite with her
maRRu ennaik kaNdu – later, looking at me
uzhaRA negizhndhAy – moved away, distressed
pon niRa Adaiyai – the divine dress
kaiyil thAngi – holding in your hand
poy – falseness
achcham kAtti – acting as if you were scared of me
nI pOdhiyElum – even if you escaped (from me)
innam – hereafter
Ingu – here
en kai agaththu – to my place
oru nAL varudhiyEl – if you come on a day
nAn en sinam thIrvan – I will get rid of my anger

Simple Translation

You had told me to come to a particular place. [When I reached that place] I found that you were waiting to unite with a girl who had taken residence under the jasmine shed, which had plenty of flowers. After looking at me, you went away from the place, in distress, holding your divine dress in your hand. Even though you acted as if you were scared of me and escaped from me, if you come to my place one day, in future, I will take my revenge on you.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

ennai varuga enak kuRiththittu – you had told me, your servitor, to come to a particular place.

ina malar mullaiyin pandhar nIzhal manniyavaLai – you were hugging a girl, who you had earlier told to come to the place which was in the shadow of a jasmine shed, which had abundance of blossomed flowers. Through the term manniyavaLai it is clear that he had specified that place to that other girl a long time back and that she had taken residence under the jasmine shed, awaiting him.

manniyavaLaip puNarappukku – he started hugging that girl, who had taken residence there.

maRRu ennaik kaNdu uzhaRA negizhndhAy – you had planned in your mind to hug her for a long time and during the time that you were with her, after seeing me, you went away from the place, in a distressed manner. Since he had asked both the girls to come to that place, it is clear that he had planned to make both of them to long for him.

ponniRa Adaiyaik kaiyil thAngi – holding in the hand, the golden coloured dress worn on the upper part of the body

poy achcham kAtti nI pOdhiyElum – even if you go away from me, putting on an act of being fearful of me. That he feigned that he was scared after looking at her and left the place is clear from his smiling at her from his hiding place. He feigned fear only to scare these two girls. If he had really been fearful, would he have told both of them to come to the same place? Only to prove that he was really not truthful to either of them, he had feigned fear.

pOdhiyElum – his desire at that point of time was just to escape from her. He did that exactly.

innam en kaiyagaththu Ingu oru nAL varudhiyEl – since you do not have an integral nature, it is certain that one day you are going to get caught by me. If you get caught like that ….

en sinam thIrvan nAnE – I am going to take revenge for the anger which you have created now in me.

periyavAchchAn piLLai, the commentator for this prabandham, has narrated an incident which occurred in SrI rangam, during the time of bhagavadh rAmAnujar. An araiyar (araiyars are kainkaryaparars (servitors) in the temple, who are experts in describing the meanings of pAsurams through dance movements), uyndhapiLLai, was giving explanation to this pAsuram through dance movements. At that time, the divine brother of emperumAnAr (rAmAnujar), and his disciple, embAr, was mercifully present in that gathering. When the araiyar was showing the movements for this specific verse “en sinam thIrvan nAnE” (I will take revenge on you), he made a movement with his leg, as if he was kicking kaNNan. embAr, the colossal aficionado, to make it evident that this is what kaNNan expected since that would tantamount to “Isn’t it his luck that she is kicking him? Isn’t he expecting contact with her physical form? Hence kicking him would not be appropriate for taking revenge”, showed the araiyar the apt movement by covering his face with his fingers and turning the face away. In other words, the real way to show her despise towards him, is to turn the face away from kaNNan in hatred. The araiyar understood this and showed this movement in the next turn.

We will take up pAsuram 6.9, next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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