perumAL thirumozhi – 1.5 – iNaiyillA innisai yAzh

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

perumAL thirumozhi >> 1st Decad

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avathArikai (Introduction)
AzhwAr is longing to worship emperumAn with his head, in this pAsuram.

iNaiyillA innisai yAzh kezhumi inbath
    thumburuvum nAradhanum iRainji Eththa
thuNaiyillAth thonmaRai nUl thOththiraththAl
    thonmalarkkaN ayan vaNangi OvAdhEththa
maNimAda mALigaigaL malgu selva
    madhiL arangaththaravaNaiyil paLLi koLLum
maNivaNNan ammAnaik kaNdu koNdu en
    malarchchenni enRu kolO vaNangu nALE

Word-by-Word Meanings
inbath thumburuvum nAradhanum – thumburu and nAradha maharishi (celestial entities) who have attained happiness (through their music)
iNaiyillA innisai – having music which is unmatched and sweet
yAzh kezhumi – stringing their vINAs (stringed musical instruments)
iRainji Eththa – to praise (after falling at the divine feet of emperumAn)
thuNai illA – without any match
thol maRai nUl thOththiraththAl – with hymns from the sacred vEdhas (religious texts) which are timeless
thol malar kaN ayan – brahmA, who is residing on the divine navel which is always permanent
vaNangi OvAdhu Eththa – to keep praying continuously (at the divine feet)
maNi mAda mALigaigaL – mansions which are studded with gemstones
malgu selvam – having opulence in abundance
madhiL arangaththu aravaNaiyuil paLLI koLLum – reclining on thiruvananthAzhwAn inside SrI rangam temple, fortified with protective walls
maNivaNNan ammAnai – sarvESvaran (lord of all) who is having a beautiful form
kaNdu koNdu – prostrating before him, without break
en malar senni – my head, which is decked with flowers
vaNangum nAL enRu kolO – when will I worship him at his divine feet?

Simple Translation

SrI ranganAthan is worshipped and praised by celestial entities such as thumburu and nAradhar, with their stringed instruments, which are without any match. brahmA, who resides on the divine navel of that emperumAn, is worshipping him through hymns from the most sacred texts, vEdhas, without any break. That emperumAn is reclining on thiruvananthAzhwAn, inside the temple at SrI rangam. SrI rangam is a town, where mansions are studded with gemstones, and has abundant opulence. When will I worship the divine feet of that emperumAn, who has a beautiful form, with my head?

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

iNaiyillA innisai yAzh kezhumi – playing on the music instrument yAzh (a stringed instrument, similar to vINA), which has no match, and which produces sweet music

inbath thumburuvum nAradhanum iRainji Eththa – thumburu and nAradha maharishi (celestial entities) who are in a blissful state because of the music, fall at the divine feet of emperumAn and praise him.

thuNaiyillA thonmaRai nUl thOththiraththAl – with hymns from SAsthrams (sacred texts) such as the ancient vEdhams which have no match, and ithihAsas and purANas which explain vEdhams. The opinion is that all these sacred texts were created to praise emperumAn.

thonmalarkkaN ayan vaNangi OvAdhu Eththa – as brahmA, who was created first from (emperumAn’s) divine navel, prostrated at the divine feet of emperumAn and praised him without a break.

maNi mAda mALigaigaL malgu selvam – having mansions and palaces which are embedded with invaluable ruby stones, and which possess opulence

madhiL arangaththu aravaNaiyil paLLi koLLum – one who is reclining on thiruvananthAzhwAn, inside the huge temple in SrI rangam, which is protected with huge walls.

maNivaNNan ammAnaik kaNdu koNdu – after having dharSan (seeing) emperumAn who has a beautiful divine form, like a bluish gemstone.

en malarchchenni enRu kolO vaNangu nALE – AzhwAr is longing to know as to when his head, which is decorated with flowers, will bow down to the divine feet of such emperumAn.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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