periya thirumozhi – 4.4.9 – Ezhulagum

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


Ezhulagum thAL varaiyum engum mUdi
eNdhisaiyum maNdalamum maNdi aNdam
mOzhai ezhundhu Azhi migum Uzhi veLLam
munnagattil odukkiya em mUrththi kaNdIr 
UzhidhoRum UzhidhoRum uyarndha selvaththu
Ongiya nAnmaRai anaiththum thAngu nAvar 
sEzhuyarndha maNimAdam thigazhum nAngUrth
thiruththetRiyambalaththu en sengaNmAlE

Word-by-Word meanings

UzhidhoRum UzhidhoRum – through ages
uyarndha – grown
selvaththu – having wealth
Ongiya – rising in tumult
nAl maRai anaiththum – all vEdhams which are in four categories
thAngum – holding
nAvar – having brAhmaNas who are having the tongue
sEzh uyarndha – very tall
maNi – gem studded
mAdam – by mansions
thigazhum – shining
nAngUr – in thirunAngUr
thiruththeRRi ambalaththu – mercifully residing in the dhivyadhESam named thiruththeRRi ambalam
en – being my lord
sem kaN mAl – sarvESvaran who is having reddish eyes
Ezh ulagum – in seven islands
thAL – having nearby hills
varaiyum – on mountains
engum – at all areas
Udi – climbed and flew
eN thisaiyum – in all eight directions
maNdalamum – at all places
aNdam – in brahmA’s universe
maNdi – greatly
mOzhai ezhundhu – bubbles rose
Azhi – ocean
migum – overflowing
Uzhi veLLam – flood during deluge
mun – in earlier times
agattil – in his divine stomach
odukkiya – one who secured
em mUrththi kaNdIr – is our lord.

Simple translation

Reddish-eyed sarvESvaran, my lord, is mercifully residing in the dhivyadhESam named thiruththeRRi ambalam in thirunAngUr. This abode is having brAhmaNas who are having the tongue sustaining all vEdhams which are in four categories which are rising in tumult and having wealth which is grown through ages, and is shining by the very tall gem-studded mansions; such sarvESvaran is our lord who secured the overflowing flood during the deluge from the ocean, which climbed and flew over the seven islands and mountains which have nearby hills and all other areas and at all other places in the eight directions of brahmA’s universe, with overflowing bubbles, in his divine stomach, in the previous times.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

Ezh ulagum – Climbing everywhere over the seven islands and the mountains which have surrounding hills, flowing over the eight directions at all places in brahmA’s universe with greatly appearing bubbles, sarvESvaran who secured the greatly flooded ocean in a small portion of his divine form.

UzhidhoRum … – thirunAngUr which is having brAhmaNas who are having rising great wealth, instead of reducing over time, as said in SrI bhAgavatham 11.5.38 “kalau kruthayugam thasya” (krutha yugam appearing in kali yugam), and having gem-studded mansions which touch the sky.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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