periya thirumozhi – 3.4.6 – paingaN viRal

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


paingaN viRal semmugaththu vAli mALap
padar vanaththuk kavandhanodum padaiyAr thiN kai
vengaN viRal virAdhan uga viRkuniththa
viNNavar kOn thALaNaivIr! veRpup pOlum
thungamuga mALigai mEl AyangURum
thudi idaiyAr mugak kamalach chOdhi thannAl
thingaL mugam pani padaikkum azhagAr kAzhich
chIrAma viNNagarE sErmin nIrE

Word-by-Word meanings

paingaN – greenish eyes
viRal – strength
semmugam – having reddish face (due to fear)
vAli – the monkey named vAli
mALa – to die
padar – vast
vanaththu – present in the forest
kavandhanodum – rAkshasa named kabandha
thiN – firm
padai – weapons
Ar – filled
kai – hands
vem kaN – fierce eyes
viRal – victorious
virAdhan – rAkshasa named virAdhan
uga – to die
vil kuniththa – one who bent his bow
viNNavar kOn – chakravarthith thirumagan, who is the lord of lords, his
thAL – divine feet
aNaivIr – oh you who desire to reach!
veRpup pOlum – like mountains
thungam – tall
mugam – having front elevation
mALigai – mansions’
mEl – standing atop
Ayam kURum – calling out in a friendly manner
thudi – like udukkai (a percussion instrument which is slim in the middle)
idaiyAr – women who are having waist
mugak kamalam – lotus like faces’
sOdhi thannAl – by the radiance
thingaL – (roaming in the sky) moon’s
mugam – face
pani – tears (caused by sorrow)
padaikkum – having continuously
azhagu Ar – filled with beauty
kAzhi – in the town of kAzhi
sIrAma viNNagarE – SrIrAma viNNagaram
nIr – you
sErmin – surrender

Simple translation

Oh you who desire to reach the divine feet of chakravarthith thirumagan, who is the lord of lords, who bent his bow to kill (a) the monkey named vAli who had greenish eyes, anger and reddish face, (b) the rAkshasa named kabandha who was present in the vast forest and (c) victorious rAkshasa named virAdhan who had fierce eyes and hands filled with weapons! You surrender unto the beautiful SrIrAma viNNagaram in the town of kAzhi, where the moon’s face is continuously having tears due to being subdued by the radiance of lotus like faces of the women who are having waist like udukkai (damuru, a percussion instrument) and are calling out in a friendly manner standing atop the mansions having tall front elevation, like mountains.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

paingaN … – To have vAli who had greenish eyes matching his species, strength and reddish face due to the anger, killed; along with kabandha who would grab as many creatures in the vast forest and eat;

padaiyAr thiNkai … – emperumAn who bent his bow, to have strong virAdhan with firm weapons filled hands and fierce eyes, killed.

viNNavar kOn thAL aNaivIr – Oh you who desire to reach the divine feet of chakravarthith thirumagan who eliminated the enemies and facilitated the residences for dhEvathAs.

veRpu … – Standing atop the mansions which have front elevation which are tall like mountains, the women who call out showing friendliness and playing, and who have waist similar to thudi; by the radiance of the faces of such women, moon’s face which is like lotus will acquire sorrow, thinking “What life are we living! While we are compared to their faces, we are no match for those faces!” These women are like moon for the moon; it can also be said that they cause radiance to the moon.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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