periya thirumozhi – 2.4.3 – alamannu madal

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

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alamannumadal surisangam eduththu adal AzhiyinAl aNiyAr uruvin
pulamannu vadam punai kongaiyinAL poRai thIra munAL aduvALamaril
pala mannar padach chudar Azhiyinaip pagalOn maRaiyap paNi koNdu aNisEr
nila mannanumAy ulagANdavanukku idam mAmalaiyAvadhu nIrmalaiyE

Word-by-Word meanings

Ar aNi – very beautiful
uruvil – in the divine form
adal – set to battle
AzhiyinAl – with the thiruvAzhi (divine disc)
alam – plough
mannum – being fixated
adal – set to battle
suri – having curved lines
sangam – SrI pAnchajanyam (divine conch)
eduththu – held
mun – when dhuryOdhana et al remained unfavourable
pulam – (sarvESvaran’s) senses such as eyes
mannu – to remain attached at all times
vadam – by ornaments such as necklace
punai – decorated
kongaiyinAL – SrI bhUmip pirAtti who is having [such] bosom, her
poRai – burden
thIra – to eliminate
AL adu – which can destroy men
vAL – shining
amaril – in mahAbhAratha battle
pala mannar – many kings
pada – to be destroyed
sudar – very radiant
Azhiyinai – thiruvAzhi
pagalOn – sun
maRaiya – to hide
paNi koNdu – engaged in service
aNi sEr – beautiful
nila mannanumAy – being the king of earth
ulagu ANdavanukku – one who ruled the world
idam Avadhu – the abode
mA – best
malai – hill
nIr malai – thirunIrmalai

Simple translation

When dhuryOdhana et al remained unfavourable, in the mahAbhAratha battle which shines to destroy men, sarvESvaran, in his very beautiful divine form, held the divine disc which is set to battle, plough and the divine conch which is fixated and is set to battle, to eliminate the burden of SrI bhUmip pirAtti whose bosom is decorated with ornaments such as necklace etc to keep the senses of such sarvESvaran attached to her, engaged his very radiant divine disc in service to hide the sun and destroy many kings; he then ruled the world, being the king of earth; the abode for such sarvESvaran is thirunIrmalai, the best hill.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

alam … – halam – plough; SrI pAnchajanyam which has curved lines and is set to battle; holding them.

adal AzhiyinAl aNi Ar uruvil … – With thiruvAzhi which is set to battle, in the beautiful divine form; holding plough and SrI pAnchajanyam in such divine form.

aduththu – [Instead of eduththu, when read as aduththu] With the beautiful divine form, the thiruvAzhi and the other weapons. That is – he concealed them as said in SrIvishNu purANam 5.3.13 “upasamhara” (Conceal this divine form). Thus, he shows and hides them for the sake of his devotees.

pula mannu … – To eliminate the burden of SrI bhUmip pirAtti who has beautifully decorated divine bosom to attract all senses of bhagavAn towards her, previously, in the battle which has the radiance which kills men; or it is said as the great battle which kills valorous men.

pala mannar pada – To have ten thousand kings killed every day, emperumAn engaged the ultimately radiant thiruvAzhi to hide the sun. aNi sEr can be seen as an attribute for both the land and the king.

nila mannanumAy ulagu ANdavanukku – This could imply chakravarthith thirumanga (SrIrAma); alternatively, this could imply krishNa since removing the burden of earth through battle is highlighted here.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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