periya thirumozhi – 2.2.3 – munnOr thUdhu

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


munnOr thUdhu vAnaraththin vAyil mozhindhu arakkan
mannUr thannai vALiyinAl mALa munindhu avanE
pinnOr thUdhu Adhi mannarkkAgip peruNilaththAr
innAr thUdhan ena ninRAn evvuL kidandhAnE

Word-by-Word meanings

mun – In SrIrAmAvathAram
Or – matchless
thUdhu – words to be conveyed
vAnaraththin – thiruvadi’s (hanuman’s)
vAyil – through the mouth
mozhindhu – informed and sent
arakkan – rAvaNa, the demon
mannu – remaining firmly
Ur thannai – lankA
vALiyinAl – with arrow
mALa – to be destroyed
munindhu –  being the one who mercifully showed his anger
avanE – that chakravarthi thiruamgan (divine son of emperor dhaSarathi) himself
pin – in krishNAvathAram
Adhi mannarkku – pANdavas who are the original kings
Or thUdhAgi – being the [unique] messenger
peru nilaththAr – the residents of this vast earth
innAr thUdhan ena – to say that he is the messenger of pANdavas
ninRAn – stood (in front of arjuna’s chariot)
evvuL kidandhAnE – reclined in thiruvevvuL

Simple translation

In SrI rAmAvathAram, chakravarthi thirumagan informed matchless words to be conveyed through hanuman’s mouth and sent him there; he mercifully showed his anger to have rAvaNa, the demon who was remaining firmly in lankA, destroyed with arrow; the same emperumAn, in krishNAvathAram, remained as the messenger of pANdavas who are the original kings, to have the residents of this vast earth say “he is the messenger of pANdavas” and stood; he has now reclined in thiruvevvuL.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

mun … – AzhwAr is repeating what he said in the first pAsuram in “Esa ninRa“. This is similar to yagyas which are ordained in SAsthram before and after sunrise [udhitha, anudhitha hOmams]. Though the yagya performed before sunrise is said to be lowly, mImAmsakas will interpret such statement to be in glorification of such yagya as well. Here too, “Esa” is not taken as insult, but as glorification only. That is because, AzhwAr enjoys every aspect of emperumAn.

mun … – Before dhvApara yugam, in thrEthA yugam, when he was unable to bear the separation from pirAtti, he almost decided to kill himself by drowning in the ocean; at that time, he sent a message through a vAnaram (hanuman).

arakkan mannu Ur thannai – The town of the demon, which was well built by boons.

vALiyinAl – He used an arrow which is used by humans to torment the town which could not be threatened even by brahmAsthram.

avanE … – Though he is having the arrow which can use the water of the ocean as ghee to light up and burn, he went as a messenger having a palm leaf around his neck as if he is helpless.

Adhi mannarkkAgi – Though dhuryOdhana et al were ruling the kingdom, AzhwAr is saying pANdavas to be the kings, since they are the rightful owners of the kingdom and dhuryOdhana et al grabbed the kingdom as one would climb a reclining elephant without its permission. Just as a brAhmaNa would show the proper documents to make a rightful king rule the kingdom when unqualified persons take over the kingdom, AzhwAr, due to ISvara’s opinion, is saying pANdavas to be “Adhi mannar“.

innAr thUdhan ena ninRAn – He remained to be called by both great or insignificant people as “innAr thUdhan ena ninRAn“. He sustained himself by hearing that name of “pANdava thUdhan“. He sustained himself by the name “pANdava thUdhan” as someone who does not have a great family heritage or deeds will seek some greatness. This became the identity for him instead of identifying him with his family heritage, deeds etc. This is similar to saying “this person sustained himself with food”, “wall stands due to the soil”. If he gets anyone who will praise him based on his subservience towards devotees, he will be nourished without even eating.

evvuL kidandhAnE – There is good water source in this region. As we have devotees who will engage me for my tasks, he firmly reclined there thinking that he will not leave that abode.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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