periya thirumozhi – 1.8.4 – pArththaRkAy anRu

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

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pArththaRkAy anRu bAradham kai seydhittu venRa paranjudar
kOththu angAyartham pAdiyil kuravai piNaindha em kOvalan
EththuvArtham manaththuLLAn idavendhai mEviya empirAn
thIrththa nIrth thadanjOlai sUzh thiruvEngadam adai nenjamE!

Word-by-Word meanings

anRu – towards the end of dhvApara yugam
bAradham – in the bhAratha yudhdham (mahAbhAratha battle)
pArththaRkAy – for arjuna
kai seydhittu – personally organising the army
venRa – won over (dhuryOdhana et al, and due to that)
param sudar – one who is very radiant
Ayar tham pAdiyil – in thiruvAyppAdi (SrI gOkulam)
em kOvalan – taking birth in the cowherd clan
angu – in such SrI gOkulam
kuravai – in rAsa krIdA
kOththup piNaindha – holding hands and danced
EththuvAr tham – those who praise, their
manaththu – in mind
uLLAn – present eternally
idavendhai – in thiruvidavendhai
mEviya – is firmly present
em pirAn – my lord’s
thIrththam – pure
nIr – having water
thadam – by ponds
sOlai – gardens
sUzh – surrounded by
thiruvEngadam adai nenjamE – Oh mind! Reach thirumalA.

Simple translation

emperumAn is very radiant due to personally organising the battle for arjuna in the mahAbhAratha battle towards the end of dhvApara yugam to ensure his victory; he was born in the cowherd clan in SrI gOkulam and danced with the gOpikAs, holding their hands in rAsa krIdA with them; he is eternally present in the minds of those who praise him; he is firmly present in thiruvidavendhai; thiruvEngadam, thirumalA is the abode of such emperumAn, which is surrounded ponds which have pure water and gardens. Oh mind! Reach there.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

pArthaRkAy – For arjuna.

anRu bAradham kaiseydhittu – In the mahAbhAratha war, he personally arranged the army.

venRu param sudar – He showed such partiality to have the loss on the heads of dhuryOdhana et al and victory on his head [i.e. pANdavas who were so inseparable from him].

param sudar – The radiance acquired after placing the crown on the head of dharmaputhra and after having dhraupadhi knot her hair. SrI rAmAyaNam bAla kANdam 1.85 “rAkshasEndhram vibhIshaNam kruthakruthyA:” (After crowning vibhIshaNa as the king of demons, SrI rAma felt he has fulfilled his responsibility).

kOththu … – Stringing himself amidst the gOpikAs during rAsakrIdA in thiruvAyppAdi.

kuravai piNaindha em kOvalan – He performed the same dance in the main junction of the town and gave complete enjoyment for the devotees.

EththuvAr tham manaththuLLAn – One who eternally resides in the hearts of those who meditate upon such dance, be immersed in that and praise that.

idavendhai – Just as he arrived at thiruvidavendhai for periya pirAttiyAr and stayed there forever, he will remain in the hearts of those who praise him.

thIrththa nIr … – Being surrounded by abundance of water which will lead to all wealth and rejuvenating gardens.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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