upadhEsa raththina mAlai – Simple Explanation – pAsurams 27 and 28

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

upadhEsa raththina mAlai


pAsuram 27

Twenty seventh pAsuram. For the next three pAsurams, mAmunigaL enjoys the glory of the divine nakshathra  (star) of emperumAnAr who has the same greatness as AzhwArs, who was their servitor and the lord for all the others. In this pAsuram, he reveals well to the people of the world, the greatness of thiruvAdhirai star in the month of chiththirai.

inRulagIr chiththiraiyil Eyndha thiruvAdhirai nAL
enRaiyinum inRu idhanukku ERRam endhAn – enRavarkkuch
chARRuginREn kENmin edhirAsar tham piRappAl
nARRisaiyum koNdAdum nAL

Oh people of the world! Today is the great day of thiruvAdhirai star in the month of chiththirai. For those who query the prominence of this day over the other days, I will respond; please listen. This day has the eminence of being celebrated by people in all four directions due to the incarnation of emperumAnAr who is the lord of all ascetics.

In his composition Arththi prabandham, mAmunigaL calls emperumAnAr as anaiththulagum vAzhappiRandha ethirAsa mAmunivA – the great ascetic who was born for the prosperity of the entire world. Due to the incarnation of emperumAnAr, it became very certain that people can attain emperumAn and get uplifted through emperumAnAr himself. Since he has attained such greatness, the day of his incarnation is celebrated even today, by all the people in the world, in a distinguished manner.

pAsuram 28

Twenty eighth pAsuram. mAmunigaL mercifully tells such that everyone knows that this day of thiruvAdhirai in the month of chiththirai is more important for us than those days when AzhwArs incarnated.

AzhwArgal thAngaL avadhariththa nALgaLilum
vAzhvAna nAL namakku maNNulagIr – Ezh pArum
uyya edhirAsar udhiththu aruLum chiththiraiyil
seyya thiruvAdhirai

Oh people of the world! thiruvAdhirai day in the month of chiththirai is more important for us than the divine days when AzhwArs incarnated. This is because SrI rAmAnujar incarnated on this day so that all the people in the world will prosper.

AzhwArs were blessed by emperumAn with faultless knowledge and devotion. They had mercifully composed pAsurams (divine hymns) for the  prosperity of all the people in the world. Based on their compositions, emperumAnAr conducted the sampradhAyam (established customs) for the benefit of all the people in the world. amudhanAr (one of SrI rAmAnuja’s disciples), in his divine composition irAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi has written that all the people of the world got wisdom soon after rAmAnujar incarnated and became devotees of SrIman nArAyaNa. While writing the commentary for this, mAmunigaL mentioned this same opinion there too. He has written there that those who were present when rAmAnuja incarnated, benefitted from the incarnation of rAmAnuja who was a great entity and the reincarnation of AdhiSEshan during his time itself and that by mercifully composing granthas (literary works) such as SrIbhAshyam, rAmAnuja nurtured the wisdom of people and led them in the correct path.

Sources: https://divyaprabandham.koyil.org/index.php/2019/10/upadhesa-raththina-malai-tamil-27/, https://divyaprabandham.koyil.org/index.php/2019/10/upadhesa-raththina-malai-tamil-28/

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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