siRiya thirumadal – 12 – vArAyO enRArkku

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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vArAyO enRArkkuch chenREn en val vinaiyAl
kArAr maNiniRamum kaivaLaiyum kANEn Nan                  14

Word by Word Meanings

vArAyO enRArkku – To those who said “Hey! Will you not come to see?” (in agreement)
en val vinaiyAl – due to my cruel sins
senREn – I went (with them to that place)

After I went,
kAr Ar maNi niRamum – the colour of bluish gem  (that I had attained earlier when I was together with him)
kai vaLaiyum – the bangles which were on my hand
nAn kANEn – I lost


ennaiyarum ellArum vArAyO enRArkku – mothers who say good things and friends who say sweet things invited in unison “Hey loser! You lost all along by not seeing this (dance). At least now, come and witness it”

vArAy O – the long syllable O at the end expresses sadness at having lost the opportunity.

vArAyO – Will you not come? Even though they invited only once, they are inviting as if they are inviting a person who is not coming even after repeated invitations.

vArAy O – The term O is used to call someone who is not in sight or who is at a far distance. These people are keeping an eye on him (emperumAn) who is dancing in the street and calling me aloud, who is inside the house.

senREn – I went since they are mothers who are to be venerated, and I have to do as per their bidding.

en valvinaiyAl senREn – I went because of my huge sin. The term val vinai (cruel sin) refers to her dhruda bhakthi (unshakeable devotion). Sin is that which is inimical to what is desired. The comfort in being united with emperumAn and the absence of discomfort in being separated from him is what is desired by her; devotion is the enemy for being without the discomfort of being separated from him. When he is unattainable, isn’t the sorrow of being separated from him multiplied several times by her devotion? Hence, devotion which is inimical to her desire is referred to as a sin here.

She describes further how her sorrow of separation grew hugely. . . .

kAr Ar maNi niRamum kai vaLaiyum kANEn nAn – I have lost the hue which I had after being united with him and the bangles which I wore because of being with him.

kAr Ar maNi niRamum – the colour which matches the cloud, like a gemstone. Alternatively, darkish hue like a gem. Elsewhere in this pAsuram, there is a verse “kAr Ar maNi niRak kaNNanUr viNNagaram” (the divine town of thiruviNNaga which is the residence of kaNNan (krishNa) who has the hue of dark gem), she gets his healthy hue as a result of being united with him.

kAr Ar maNi niRam – how is it apt to describe her golden hued colour as dark colour? Since her mothers and friends have often heard her exclaiming “How beautiful is the colour of dark gem!” and since she often keeps thinking of his dark colour, she thinks that her colour too is now in line with his and speaks highly of that colour.

nAn – I, who am capable of seeing him before being separated.

nAn kANEn – I lost my colour and my bangles, after attaining all the sufferings on being separated from him, just as he had attained when he was attempting to get me.

Aren’t these (colour and bangles) the ones which are always dear to her, just as it has been mentioned in thirunedundhANdagam 23 “oLivaLaiyum mAniRamum koNdAr” (he stole my fair complexion and my bangles)?

In the next article, we will discuss the next part of this prabandham.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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