siRiya thirumadal – 11 – sIrAr kudam

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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sIrAr kudam iraNdEndhi sezhum theruvE                           12
ArAr enachcholli Adum adhu kaNdu
ErAr iLamulaiyAr ennaiyarum ellArum                                  13

Word by Word Meanings

sIr Ar kudam iraNdu Endhi – holding two distinguished pots in his hand
sezhum theruvE – on this huge street
Ar Ar enach cholli – crying out “Is there anyone (who could escape from these pots)”
Adum adhu kaNdu – looking at the way he was dancing with the pots
Er Ari La mulaiyAr – women with beautiful, youthful bosoms
ennaiyarum ellArum – my mothers and my friends, all of them 


sIrAr kudam – pots which are distinguished. Distinction for materials is due to coming in contact with him. Being held by his hands is the distinction for these pots.

sIr Ar kudam iraNdu Endhi – What distinction did these pots get! Even my bosoms did not get that distinction – she expresses her desire arising out of her disease.

iraNdu – he has taken two pots in order to give up the ball that I carried in my hand.

Endhi – he was changing the pots from his hands, just as he was playing the game of ammAnai (juggling), making it appear that one pot was in the air and the other pot, handled deftly by his hand.

sezhum theruvE – a street which was not short either in length or in breadth. Since emperumAn comes emitting resplendence by decorating himself, just as it is mentioned in nAchchiyAr thirumozhi 14-5 “vIdhiyAra varuvAnai” (one who comes filing up the entire street), shouldn’t the street be without any shortage in length or breadth!

Ar Ar enach cholli – Just as it is mentioned in thiruviruththam 19 “kArigaiyAr niRai kAppavar yAr” (among the women, who can protect her modesty in my presence), he appeared as if saying aloud “Did you notice my effort? Oh, those who have the vanity that you have been born as women! Those who could protect your modesty, do so”

Adum adhu kaNdu – looking at the beauty of that dance with pots

ErAr iLa mulaiyAr – those who have beautiful, youthful bosoms. After witnessing that dance with pots, just as it is mentioned in nAchchiyAr thirumozhi 5-6 “irudIkEsan valiseyya muththanna veNmuRuval seyya vAyum mulaiyum azhagazhindhEn nAn” (emperumAn who controls the senses of those who see him, hid himself, making it difficult to see him; due to this, I lost the beauty of my bright smile which is like a pearl, my reddish lips and my bosoms, thus becoming contorted) unlike me who lost the beauty of my bosoms, those who still retained the beauty of their bosoms after seeing him dance.

ennaiyarum ellArumem annai = ennai – my mothers and other friends. Those mothers who told me “Don’t go anywhere near him” and prevented me from approaching him, became engrossed with his dance and told me too to come and witness it.

In the next article, we will discuss the next part of this prabandham.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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