thiruvAimozhi nURRandhAdhi – 42 – poliga poliga

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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AzhwArs, AchAryas and emperumAnAr in SriperumbUthUr

Essence of thiruvAimozhi 5.2


In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of performing mangaLASAsanam (well-wishes) to those who were reformed by his words in thiruvAimozhi 4.10onRum dhEvum” and reforming those who were not reformed, and is mercifully explaining it.

How is that done? Previously, on hearing AzhwAr’s instructions on the supremacy of bhagavAn in thiruvAimozhi 4.10onRum dhEvum“, everyone became reformed, abundance of bhAgavathas were present and the border between samsAra (material realm) and paramapadham (spiritual realm) was eliminated; AzhwAr became joyful and performed mangaLASAsanam to those who were reformed by his words, reformed those who were qualified to be reformed by giving instructions, and disregarded those who did not reform; mAmunigaL mercifully explains this principle explained in thiruvAimozhi 5.2poliga poliga poliga” starting with “poliga poliga“.


poliga poliga enRu pUmagaLkon thoNdar
malivudhanaik kaNdugandhu vAzhththi – ulagil
thirundhAdhAr thammaith thiruththiya mARan sol
maruNdhAgap pOgum manamAsu


word-by-word meanings

poliga poliga enRu – saying “Long live! Long live!”
pUmagaL kOn thoNdar – of the devotees of SrIman nArAyaNa
malivu thanaik kaNdu – seeing their abundant presence
ugandhu – being joyful
vAzhththi – performing mangaLASAsanam
ulagil – in this world
thirundhAdhAr thammai – those who are not reformed
thiruththiya – one who mercifully reformed
mARan – AzhwAr’s
sol – SrIsUkthis (divine words)
marundhAga – as medicine
mana mAsu pOgum – blemishes in the mind will be eliminated

Simple Translation

Seeing the abundant presence of the devotees of SrIman nArAyaNa, being joyful and performing mangaLASAsanam saying “Long live! Long live!”, AzhwAr mercifully reformed those who are not reformed in this world; having such AzhwAr’s SrIsUkthis as medicine, blemishes in the mind will be eliminated.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam

  • poliga poliga enRu pU magaL kOn thoNdar malivu thanaik kaNdu ugandhu vAzhththi – As said in SrI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 42.33 “jayathyathibalO rAmO lakshmaNaScha mahAbala: | rAjA jayathi sugrIvO rAghavENAbhipAlitha: ||” (Long live the mighty SrI rAma and the powerful lakshmaNa! Long live the king sugrIva, protected by SrI rAma!”), seeing the abundance of the devotees of the consort of SrI mahAlakshmi, [AzhwAr] performed mangaLASAsanam saying “poliga! poliga!” Abundance of devotees of pUmagaL kOn (SrIman nArAyaNa) means – kadal vaNNan bUdhangaL maN mEl maliyap pugundhu (those who were reformed to become bhAgavathas by sarvESvaran who has greatness due to having distinguished qualities and form like an attractive ocean, which is containing precious gems inside it, entered this earth to be present in abundance) [1st pAsuram], mAdhavan bUdhangaL maN mEl paNdAn pAdi ninRAdi (The servitors of sarvESvaran who is the beloved lord of lakshmI, stood on this earth) [2nd pAsuram], kadal vaNNan bUdhangaL maN mEl iriyap pugundhu (bhAgavathas who are immersed in qualities of such bhagavAn who is the ocean of infinite qualities, entered in this earth to initiate the joyful celebrations) [3rd pAsuram], thadangadal paLLip perumAn thannudaip pUdhangaLEyAy (bhAgavathas who are immersed in the qualities of emperumAn who is resting in the vast [milky] ocean and is greater than all, are spreading everywhere) [4th pAsuram], ivvulgaththu vaigundhan bUdhangaLEyAy (this world is filled with those who became paramapadhanAthan‘s devotees) [5th pAsuram], pagai pasi thIyanavellAm ninRivvulagil kadivAn nEmippirAn thamar pOndhAr, gyAlam parandhAr (sarvESvaran is standing in this world, having the weapon, chakra (disc), to destroy all the cruel nature such as the disease which finishes the body and consumes the vital air, enmity, hunger etc; the devotees of such emperumAn are singing distinguished songs, dancing joyfully jumping and spreading out all over the world;) [6th pAsuram], mEvith thozhum adiyArum pagavarum mikkathulagE (This world became filled  with the devotees of sarvESvaran who never abandons [his devotees], the  servitors and sages of bhagavAn, who are ananyaprayOjanas who keep reciting in their tongues the special and very purifying hymns) [9th pAsuram] – such abundant gathering of nithyasidhdhas (nithyasUris), SvEthadhvIpa vAsis (residents of kshIrAbdhi) who are all devotees of SrIman nArAyaNa. Also implies the devotees of this world who were reformed to be at par with nithyasidhdhas and SvEthadhvIpa vAsis.
  • kaNdu – As said in thiruvAimozhi 8.10.8thamargaL kUttam … nALum vAykka nangatku” (emperumAn created the causal ocean with naturally cool water, and is resting in it as revealed in vEdham, having distinguished, matchless, many divine feet, divine shoulders and divine crowns/heads similar to a carbuncle hill having gardens of rising, beautiful, well grown kaRkapa trees and a radiant sun with many dense rays; union with servitors of such emperumAn should occur for us, forever. kUttam – sErththi – union. Alternatively, kUttam means sangam (crowd), and here AzhwAr prays for the presence of such crowd in front of him), see with his own eyes.
  • ugandhu – Being joyful as said in “kaNdOm kaNdOm kaNdOm kaNNukkiniyana kaNdOm” (We have seen this prosperity which is pleasing to the eyes; not just seeing once but got to enjoy repeatedly as said thrice in “aham annAdha:“, being overwhelmed with love, engaging in continuous worship, and stood engaged in joyful celebrations.) [2nd pAsuram].
  • vAzhththi – Performing mangaLASAsanam saying “poliga! poliga!” for such abundance.
  • ulagil thirundhAdhAr thammaith thiruththiya mARan sol marundhAgap pOgum mana mAsu – Towards those who stayed away and did not become reformed after hearing the instructions in thiruvAimozhi 4.10 “onRum dhEvum“, AzhwAr gave instructions to others and reformed them, saying “kaNNan allAl dheyvam illai” (there is no God other than krishNa) [7th pAsuram], “evvulugukkum than mUrththi niRuththinAn dheyvangaLAga aththeyvanAyagan thAnE” (krishNa, who is the lord of all lords, established his different types of forms/bodies as the dhEvathAs who are worshippable in nithya and naimiththika karmas which are duties to be performed ) [8th pAsuram], “okkath thozhugiRRirAgil kaliyugam onRum illaiyE” (if you surrender unto emperumAn as done by the dhEvathAs to fulfil their desires, the defects of this [kali] yugam which cause bewilderment of your intelligence will be rid of) [10th pAsuram]. Further on those who did not become reformed even after hearing these instructions, he reformed them by talking about their destruction saying “arakkar asurar piRandhIr uLLIrEl uyyum vagai illai thoNdIr Uzhi peyarththidum konRE” (Oh those who are interested in worldly pleasures! Oh those who are born with demoniac and evil qualities! If you are present, you will be killed and the [bad] times will change [into good times]; there is no way for your redemption) [5th pAsuram]; the blemishes of mind will be eliminated by the medicine of such AzhwAr’s SrIsUkthis. Blemish in mind is SrIvaishNava sAjAthya budhdhi (Considering SrIvaishNavas to be at par with oneself) and dhEvathAnthara parathva budhdhi (Considering other dhEvathAs to be supreme) [these will be eliminated]; he himself mercifully said in thiruvAimozhi 1.3.8mananaga malamaRak kazhuvi” (By purifying one’s heart through knowledge eliminating the dirt).

azhagiya maNavALap perumAL nAyanAr mercifully explained this in AchArya hrudhayam chUrNikai 223 “visha vruksha palangaL kai kUdinavar adimai pukkAraiyum AtcheyvAraiyum kANa, lOka dhvIpAntharangaLill ninRum pOndha dhEvar kuzhAngaLaik kaNdu kAppittu prahlAdha vibhIshaNar soRkELAdha arakkar asurar pOlvAraith thadavip pidiththu, dhESa kAla dhOsham pOga engum idam koNdavargaLai mEvith thozhudhu ujjIviyungOL. nIngaL niRuththugiRavargaLai dhEvathaigaLAga niRuththinavanai mEvip paravumavarOdu okkath thozhil yuga dhOsham illaiyAm enRu vishNu bhakthiparar Akki“.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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