periya thirumadal – 77 – mannA tharuga enRu

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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mannA tharuga enRu vAy thiRappa maRRavanum
ennAl tharappattadhenRalumE aththuNaikkaN                                                            110
minnAr maNimudi pOy viN thadava mEleduththa
ponnAr kanai kazhaRkAl Ezhulagum pOykkadandhu                                              111

Word by word meaning

vAy thiRappa – as he asked, opening his mouth
avanum – that mahAbali (who heard that)
ennAl tharappattadhu enRalum – as he said that “the three steps of land have been given by me”
aththuNaikkaN – at that very moment
min Ar mudi pOy viN thadava – the radiant crown went and stroked the ethereal layer
mEl eduththa – that which was lifted high up
pon Ar kanai kazhal kAl – the coveted divine foot, decorated with valorous anklet and making a sound
Ezh ulagum pOy kadandhu – going across all the worlds above


tharuga enRu vAy thiRappa – who will not soften when he (emperumAn as vAmana) opens his radiant mouth?

maRRavanum – this implies that mAvali, who was fully engaged in the beauty of vAmana opening his radiant mouth and in the sweetness of the speech, changed into a totally new person, just as gold is changed by being melted in a furnace [and is purified fully].

ennAl tharappattadhu enRalumE – just as SrI rAma said in SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 18-34 “dhaththamasyAbhayam mayA” (refuge has been granted by me to vibhIshaNa) and in 18-35 “abhayam sarva bhUthEbhyO dhadhAmi” (I grant refuge from all creations), mAvali said “I have given already”. Since he had already taken a vow that he would grant whatever anyone asked for, he says that he has already given it.

aththuNaikkaN – vAmana started growing at that very moment and started measuring [all the worlds] since the one who had granted his wish, being a demon, could change his mind any time.

minnAr maNi mudi pOy viN thadava – the form of vAmana, who was a bachelor, changed into the crowned form of thrivikrama and that radiant crown, full of gems, pervaded all the upper worlds.

viN thadava – since the capability of the protector is not limited by the capability of the protected, the foot pervaded even SrIvaikuNtam. Didn’t purusha sUktham-1 say “bhUmim viSvathO vruthvA athya thishta dhaSAngulam” (pervading entire earth, he measured to an unlimited extent)!

mEl eduththa . . . Ezhulagum pOy – Just as thiruvAimozhi 7-4-1 said “mudi pAdham ezha” the divine foot which was lifted, competed with the divine crown and went higher and higher, up.

ponnAr kanai kazhal kAl – the divine foot which was golden, desired by everyone, and decorated with valorous anklet which seemed to roar “there is no one to equal me in protecting the followers”

Ezhulagum pOy kadandhu – the divine foot too went beyond the shell of the universe.

In the next article, we will discuss the next part of this prabandham.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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