SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
thunnu pidareruththuth thUkkuNdu vanthodarAl
kanniyar kaN miLirak kattuNdu mAlaivAyth 93
thannudaiya nAvozhiyAdhu Adum thanimaNiyin
Word by word meaning
thunnu pidar eruththu – in the hump of the large nape
thUkkuNdu – being hung
kanniyar kaN miLira – such that young girls will roll their eyes (on seeing it)
van thodarAl kattuNdu – being tied by a strong rope
mAlai vAy – during evening time
thannudaiya nA ozhiyAdhu Adum thani maNiyin – with the gong of the unparalleled bell striking continuously
thunnu pidar eruththuth thUkkuNdu – hung from the hump on the dense neck
van thodarAl kattuNdu – being tied by a strong chain such that even if some righteous people, after seeing me suffer on hearing the sound of the bell, wish to remove the bell, it cannot be removed.
kanniyar tham kaN miLirak kattuNdu – young girs, who are unaware of love, would get up from their sleep with a start on hearing the bell; it is tied to that extent.
mAlaivAy – it is that time when the love-quarrel between the bull and the cow is settled and their union takes place. It is that time when the nAyaki (female lead in an event or story) feels distressed that the nAyakan (male lead in the event or story) is not uniting with her.
thannudaiya nA ozhiyAdhu Adum – the cow, not agreeing to the union, is running away. The bull, since it desires the cow, is chasing it. Due to this, the bell, tied to the neck, is ringing continuously. This noise reminds the nAyaki about the union that she had in the past with the nAyaka and, torments her.
nA ozhiyAdhu Adum – Even if the bell does not ring for some time, she could be without these thoughts. But it is ringing continuously and is torturing her.
thani maNiyin – it is a bell which has nothing equivalent to it in torturing her.
In the next article, we will discuss the next part of this prabandham.
adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan
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