thiruvAimozhi nURRandhAdhi – 13 – UnamaRavE vandhu

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Essence of thiruvAimozhi 2.3


In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of seeking companions to enjoy along when emperumAn united with AzhwAr to make them be seen as “Ekathathvam” (single entity) and is mercifully explaining it.

How is that done? After completing the incidental instructions to others, AzhwAr sets out to speak about how emperumAn united with him to eliminate his suffering; AzhwAr meditates upon emperumAn’s union which gives the ultimate pleasure, as said in SrI rAmAyaNam bAla kANdam 77.26 “rAmasthu sIthayA sArdham…” (The best minded rAma with sIthA, being fully engaged in her, living in her heart always, spent many seasons, enjoyed with her) and how he united with AzhwAr to be seen as “Ekathathvam” (single entity); he also thought that the pleasure acquired by him cannot be fully consumed by himself alone and sought out others as companion to share the joy, unlike worldly pleasures which are enjoyed in privacy; as there was none in this material world to share such spiritual experience, AzhwAr prays “when will I go to paramapadham and unite with the assembly of nithyasUris who are well fixated on this experience?” in thiruvAimozhi 2.3Unil vAzh“; mAmunigaL mercifully explains this starting with “UnamaRavE vandhu“.


UnamaRavE vandhu uL kalandha mAl inimai
Anadhu anubaviththaRkAm thuNaiyA – vAnil
adiyAr kuzhAm kUda Asai uRRa mARan
adiyArudan nenjE Adu


word-by-word meanings

nenjE – Oh heart!
Unam aRa vandhu – coming without any shortcoming
uL kalandha – united intimately
mAl inimai Anadhu – the sweetness of the union with sarvESavaran
anubaviththaRku – to enjoy
Am thuNaiyA – desiring for favourable companions
vAnil – in paramapadham
adiyAr – devotees
kuzhAm kUda – to join the assembly
Asai uRRa – desired
mARan – AzhwAr‘s
adiyArudan – devotees
Adu – you live along

Simple Translation

Oh heart! You live along with the devotees of AzhwAr who desired to join the assembly of devotees in paramapadham with the desire of having favourable companions to enjoy the sweetness of the union with sarvESavaran who came without any shortcoming and united with AzhwAr intimately.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam

  • Unam aRavE vandhu uL kalandha mAl inimai Anadhu – That is, without any hesitation, thinking of AzhwAr to be “nithya samsAri” (eternally bound in material world), sarvESvaran came freely and united with AzhwAr to grant him full joy as said in “thAnum yAnum ellAm than uLLE kalandhu ozhindhOm thEnum pAlum neyyum kannalum amudhum oththE” (emperumAn who is my master and me who is desirous of serving him mixed like honey and honey, milk and milk, ghee and ghee, sugar and sugar and nectar and nectar) [pAsuram 1], “enadhAvi uL kalandha peru nal udhavi” (you mixed seamlessly inside my AthmA and did a huge, good favour) [pAsuram 3], “kanivAr vIttinbamE” (one who is like the bliss in liberation for those with well matured heart) [pAsuram 5], “adiyEn vAy maduththup parugik kaLiththEnE” (prepared my mouth, fully consumed emperumAn and acquired unsurpassed joy) [pAsuram 9]; the sweetness of such intimate union, the joy of emperumAn’s wilful uniting with me,
  • anubaviththaRku Am thuNaiyA – To enjoy such pleasure, seeking favourable companions as said in “adiyAr kuzhAngaLai udan kUduvadhu enRu kolO” (when will I unite with the groups of devotees in paramapadham?) [pAsuram 10],
  • vAnil adiyAr kuzhAm kUda Asai uRRa mARan adiyArudan nenjE Adu –  AzhwAr who was immersed in the desire to be with the devotees in paramapadham, who are well experienced in bhagavath vishayam, unlike as said in mudhal thiruvandhAdhi thaniyanvaiyaththu adiyavar” (devotees in this world); unite and live with the SrIvaishNavas of this world, who are devotees of such AzhwAr. Alternative explanation – become a part of that group of devotees and enjoy. AzhwAr too said “adiyIrudan kUdi ninRu AduminE” (You all sing this decad agreeing with the meanings in many groups of devotees together and try to dance in joy).

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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