mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi – 98 – imam sUzh malaiyum

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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AzhwAr says that emperumAn gets rid of the enemies of those who attain him. He says that he removes our hurdles and gets rid of samsAram (life in this materialistic world).

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

imam sUzh malaiyum iru visumbum kARRum
amam sUzhndhaRa viLangiththOnRum namam sUzh
naragaththu nammai naNugAmal kAppAn
thuragaththai vAy piLandhAn thottu

Word by Word Meanings

imam sUzh malaiyum – the himAlaya mountain which is covered with snow
iru visumbum – the expansive sky
kARRum – vAyu (wind)
amam sUzhndhu – (due to robust build, height and speed) lowering and pervading
aRa viLangith thOnRum – coming in front, clearly
thuragaththai – the demon kESi who came in the form of a horse
thottu – touching him (with his divine hands)
vAy piLandhAn – emperumAn who tore (his) mouth
nammai – us
naman sUzh naragaththu naNugAmal kAppAn – he will protect us from entering  hell which has yama as its Lord.


imam sUzh malaiyum – in the (himAlaya) mountain covered with snow

iru visumbum – in the expansive sky

kARRum – in the wind

amam sUzhndhu – permeating in a widespread way

aRa viLangith thOnRum – permeating all these, due to his incarnations, the radiant emperumAn. nammAzhwAr too has mercifully stated in thiruvAimozhi 1-3-2pala piRappAy oLi varu muzhu nalam” that emperumAn gains radiance due to his several incarnations. By mentioning mountain, sky, wind etc, emperumAn’s jagathAkAratha (having the entire world as his physical form) has been indicated. Alternatively, if these words are taken as adjectives for the horse kESi, a form taken by a demon, we can construe the meanings as – the horse which came with these characteristics

vAy piLandhAN thottu – since kESi is an enemy for his followers, emperumAn due to that rage, with his own hands, caught him, tore his mouth and killed him.

naman sUzh naragaththu – in the naragam (hell) which is surrounded by yama. We can consider the meaning for this as – the hell that we have surrounded ourselves with. Or, we can consider this as – this world (materialistic realm itself is hell) which is under the control of yama.

nammai naNugAmal kAppAn – he will protect us from approaching hell. He will prevent us from entering hell. AzhwAr says that the sufferings which the horse (kESi) underwent at the hands of emperumAn are similar to the sufferings in the hell.

We will take up the 99th pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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