mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi – 97 – alar eduththa undhiyAn

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Unless emperumAn, who is the consort of periya pirAtti and head of the indefatigable nithyasUris, with his mercy grants it, even for entities such as brahmA et al, it is impossible to attain him with their own efforts. AzhwAr says that emperumAn, who is worshipped by nithyasUris, is beyond the reach of brahmA et al.-

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

alareduththa undhiyAn AngezhilAya
malareduththa mAmEni mAyan alareduththa
vaNNaththAn mAmalrAn vArsadaiyAn enRivargatku
eNNaththAnAmO imai

Word by Word Meanings

alar eduththa undhiyAn – one who has a divine navel which has a highly rising lotus flower
ezhilAya malar eduththa – like a beautiful kAyAmpU (a dark blue coloured) flower
mAmEni – having a dark divine form
mAyan – emperumAn who has amazing activities
alar eduththa vaNNaththAn – indhra (head of celestial entities), who has the complexion of kAnchi flower
mA malarAn – brahmA, who was born on a lotus
vAr sadaiyAn – Siva, who has lowly matter hair
enRu ivargatku – for all these celestial entities
imai – even a little bit
eNNaththAn AmO – can he be thought of?


alar eduththa undhiyAn – one who has a divine navel which displays a flower. One who has the lotus flower which is the cause for the worlds, on his navel. Isn’t that lotus the reason for the creation of worlds?

Angu – with him

ezhilAya malar eduththa mAmEni mAyan – he is one with amazing activities, whose divine form displays a beautiful flower. He is one with amazing activities, who has a dark complexion like that of kAyAmpU (a type of flower). He has a divine form which has the complexion and softness of a flower.

With that amazing entity…..

alar eduththa vaNNaththAn – indhra who has the complexion of a beautiful flower [kAnchi]

mAmalarAn – nAnmugan (brahmA) who was born in the divine lotus

vAr sadaiyAn – Siva who has a form with lowly matted hair, as if he wants to accomplish something

enRu ivargatku eNNaththAn AmO – is it possible for these entities to even think of emperumAn? AzhwAr says that these people [indhra, brahmA, Siva et al] cannot even think of the characteristics of emperumAn which have been mentioned earlier.

imai – would mean enquire or a little bit.

We will take up the 98th pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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