mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi – 30 – sErndha thirumAl

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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yaSOdhA showered affection on krishNa since he was near her. When we say the he is not near us now, AzhwAr gives the names of divine abodes where he has taken residence. He mercifully states that emperumAn, who was simplicity personified for one person (yaSOdhA) at one point of time, is now simplicity personified for all people at all times by taking residence in many divine abodes.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

sErndha thirumAL kadal kudandhai vEngadam
nErndha en sindhai niRai visumbum vAyndha
maRai pAdagam ananthan vaN thuzhAykkaNNi
iRai pAdiyAya ivai

Word by Word Meanings

kadal – thiruppARkadal (milky ocean)
kudandhai – thirukkudandhai (present day kumbakONam)
vEngadam – thiruvEngadam
nErndha en sindhai – my suitable heart
niRai visumbum – the completely fulfilled SrIvaikuNtam
vAyndha maRai – fitting vEdham (sacred text)
pAdagam – thiruppAdagam (divine abode in present day kAnchIpuram)
ananthan – AdhiSEshan
Aya ivai – all these
vaN thuzhAyk kaNNi – one who is wearing the  beautiful thuLasi garland
thirumAL sErndha – where SrIman nArAyaNa gives divine dharSan appropriately
iRai pAdi – capitals (places where he has taken residence)


sErndha thirumAL – the places where emperumAn who is SrIya: pathi (consort of SrI mahAlakshmi) has reached

kadal kudandhai vEngadam – thiruppARkadal, thirukkudandhai and thiruvEngadam

nErndha en sindhai – my heart which is not that great [as the divine abodes mentioned above]. Since AzhwAr says nErndha en sindhai the reason for taking residence in all these divine abodes is only to enter his heart.

niRai visumbu – SrIvaikuNtam which is a completely fulfilled divine abode. It is called as thripAdhvibhUthi  (three times as expansive as leelA vibhUthi, the materialistic realm)

vAyndha maRai – the vEdhas (sacred texts) which describe him as he is. Thus, to AzhwAr, emperumAn taking residence in divine abodes explicitly and standing firmly in vEdhas appear with equal radiance, without any difference.

pAdagam – the divine abode of thiruppAdagam

ananthan – AdhiSEshan

vaN thuzhAyk kaNNi – the divine thuLasi garland

pAdiyAya – are capitals (towns)

ivai – AzhwAr says that these are the places where emperumAn has taken residence. vaN thuzhAyk kaNNi  could also be considered as a place where he has taken residence.  Or it can taken as an adjective for emperumAn and consider the meaning as: emperumAn who has adorned the beautiful thuLasi garland  has taken residence in these places.

We will take up the 31st pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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