mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi – 25 – thozhudhAl pazhudhuNdE

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Despite AzhwAr instructing his divine mind, it appeared to AzhwAr that it kept thinking of the past, with haughtiness. AzhwAr tells his mind “if you approach emperumAn and attain him, no shortcoming will come your way”.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

thozhudhAl pazhudhuNdE thUnIr ulagam
muzhudhuNda moykuzhalAL Aychchi vizhudhuNda
vAyAnai mAlvidaiyEzh seRRAnai vAnavarkkum
sEyAnai nenjE siRandhu

Word by Word Meanings

thU niR ulagam – world surrounded by oceans with pure water
muzhudhu – totally
uNdu – one who kept in his divine stomach
moy kuzhalAL Aychchi – yaSOdhA, who has dense locks
vizhudhu – butter
uNda vAyAnai – one who has the mouth which ate
mAl vidai Ezh seRRAnai – one who killed the seven plump bulls
vAnavarkkum sEyAnai – one who is out of reach of celestial entities such as brahmA et al, such emperumAn
nenjE – Oh heart!
siRandhu – in a great way
thozhudhAl – if you worship
pazhudhu uNdE – will there be any fault?


thozhudhAl pazhudhu uNdE – if you attain emperumAn will any fault come your way? If you do not attain him, what calamity will befall you? After telling his heart about the greatness of worshipping emperumAn, AzhwAr is asking his heart whether there is any harm in it. He tells his heart to tell him if there is anything wrong in what he is saying. AzhwAr is asking his heart “Just as emperumAn’s stomach became the sustenance for the world and butter became the sustenance for emperumAn, isn’t servitorship the sustenance for you?”.

thU nIr ulagam muzhudhu uNdu – Am I asking you to drink the bitter juice of neem fruit? Am I not asking you to attain the sweet emperumAn?

thU nIr ulagam muzhudhu uNdu – there is none who is considered as unwanted by emperumAn. Even after keeping the worlds in his stomach during deluge, he was not satisfied.

thU nIr ulagam – world having clear water. In other words, when emperumAn kept the world in his stomach, he ensured that the waters surrounding the earth did not get muddied. Since he was not satisfied even after swallowing the world, he ate the butter which had the fingerprints of his followers. He filled up the void created after swallowing the world.

moy kuzhalAL Aychchi vizhudhuNda vAyAnai – only after eating the butter kept by yaSOdhAp pirAtti was his stomach filled up. emperumAn, who controls the entire worlds, was subservient to yaSOdhA. It appeared to emperumAn that when he did not eat butter, deluge had set in. He cannot sustain himself if he does not eat his followers’ possessions (emperumAn has the divine mouth which ate butter kept by yaSOdhA who has beautiful locks).

mAl vidai Ezh seRRAnaiemperumAn who killed the seven fearsome bulls. One who killed the seven bulls which were in exult, and which were a hurdle for him to be with nappinnaip pirAtti [incarnation of nILA dhEvi]. This implies that he removes the hurdles of followers who are special to him.

vAnavarkkum sEyAnai – one who is far away from entities such as brahmA et al. This implies that he is far removed from those who try to attain him through their own efforts.

siRandhu thozhudhAl pazhudhuNdE – is there any fault in worshipping one who is simple to this followers?

siRandhu – if you [AzhwAr’s heart] make yourself qualified and worship him, is there any harm? After knowing the characteristics of emperumAn, you are wondering whether you are qualified to worship him; you are not above entities such as brahmA et al! AzhwAr says that since emperumAn is far removed from entities such as brahmA et al, there is no alternative to falling at his feet.

We will take up the 26th pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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