thiruvAimozhi – 6.4.10 – maN misai

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: Full series >> Sixth Centum >> Fourth decad Previous pAsuram Introduction for this pAsuram Highlights from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s introduction No specific introduction. Highlights from nanjIyar‘s introduction In the tenth pAsuram, AzhwAr says “I do not have the defect of needing another controller as I got … Read more

iraNdAm thiruvandhAdhi – 78 – thavam seydhu

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: Full Series << Previous avathArikai AzhwAr exclaims that it was only nAnmugan (brahmA) who carried out penance like this and effortlessly attained the divine feet of emperumAn. Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings: thavam seydhu nAnmuganE peRRAn tharaNi nivandhaLippa nIttiya poRpAdham sivandha … Read more

iraNdAm thiruvandhAdhi – 77 – uRum kaNdAy

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: Full Series << Previous avathArikai Since AzhwAr who thought of attaining emperumAn in the proper way, found that the way was very nice, tells his heart mercifully that more than getting the experience born out of attaining emperumAn, the  experience obtained in observing the activity … Read more

thiruvAimozhi – 6.4.9 – kalakka Ezh kadal

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: Full series >> Sixth Centum >> Fourth decad Previous pAsuram Introduction for this pAsuram Highlights from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s introduction No specific introduction. Highlights from nanjIyar‘s introduction In the ninth pAsuram, AzhwAr says “For me who is having a power of speech which will even cause … Read more

iraNdAm thiruvandhAdhi – 76 – varaich chandhana kuzhambum

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: Full Series << Previous avathArikai AzhwAr says that just as the song was sweet for him, collecting the materials for his worship and falling at the divine feet of emperumAn, who has taken residence near us and who is the ordained Lord for us, is … Read more

iraNdAm thiruvandhAdhi – 75 – perugu madha vEzham

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: Full Series << Previous avathArikai After AzhwAr said that he is great, emperumAn asked him to sing a poem on him and this pAsuram is the poem that AzhwAr sang then. Just as SrI rAmAyanam came out of vAlmIki’s poems, details about thiruvEngadam come out … Read more

आर्ति प्रबंधं ३६

श्री:  श्रीमते शठकोपाय नम:  श्रीमते रामानुजाय नम:  श्रीमद्वरवरमुनये नम: आर्ति प्रबंधं << पासुर ३५  उपक्षेप पिछले पासुरम में, मामुनि कहते हैं कि, “मरुळाले पुलन पोग वांजै सेय्युं एनदन”, जिस्से वें श्री रामानुज से, क्रूर पापों से प्रभावित इन्द्रियों के निमंत्रण से अपने बुद्धि को बहलाने केलिए  विनति करतें हैं। परंतु इसके पश्चात भी पापों का असर रहती … Read more

iraNdAm thiruvandhAdhi – 74 – yAnE thavam seydhEn

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: Full Series << Previous avathArikai AzhwAr says that with the happiness derived out of carrying out kainkaryam for emperumAn,  he was blessed to be qualified to sing paeans on him. Just as nammAzhwAr mercifully spoke in thiruvAimozhi 4-5-9 “vAnavar kOnaik kavi solla vallERku ini mARuNdE” … Read more

thiruvAimozhi – 6.4.8 – nIL nilaththodu

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: Full series >> Sixth Centum >> Fourth decad Previous pAsuram Introduction for this pAsuram Highlights from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s introduction No specific introduction. Highlights from nanjIyar‘s introduction In the eighth pAsuram, AzhwAr says “For me who is having the heart which constantly thinks about krishNa’s activities … Read more

iraNdAm thiruvandhAdhi – 73 – Ayndhuraippan

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: Full Series << Previous avathArikai AzhwAr mercifully states in this pAsuram that thinking about how emperumAn remains attainable by everyone, he became sure that he will carry out kainkaryam permanently at his divine feet. Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings: Ayndhuraippan Ayiram … Read more