iraNdAm thiruvandhAdhi – 73 – Ayndhuraippan

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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AzhwAr mercifully states in this pAsuram that thinking about how emperumAn remains attainable by everyone, he became sure that he will carry out kainkaryam permanently at his divine feet.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

Ayndhuraippan Ayiram pEr Adhi nadu andhivAy
vAyndha malar thUvi vaigalum  Eyndha
piRaikkOttuch chengaN kari viduththa pemmAn
iRakkAdpadath thuNindha yAn

Word by Word Meaning

piRai Eyndha kOdu – having crescent shaped tusks
sem kAn – having reddish eyes
kari – the elephant gajEndhrAzhwAn
viduththa – one who released it from the jaws of crocodile
pemmAn – the supreme being
iRaikku – to SrIman nArAyaNa
AL pada – to be his servitor
thuNindha yAn – I became firm
Adhi nadu andhivAy vaigalum – during all times in the morning, noon and night
vAyndha malar – flowers that I could get my hands on
thUvi – strew them haphazardly
Ayiram pEr – the thousand divine names
Ayndhu uraippan – I will meditate in my heart


Ayndhu uraippan – I will be constantly meditating on his divine names

Ayiram pEr – When meditating on emperumAn’s divine names, we would not have any rule that we will recite only such and such divine names and will leave out such and such divine names. We will recite all the divine names. Should one look for a proper time and place for mentioning one’s mother’s name? Only for those who desire only wealth are there rules that only such and such divine names are to be recited. For those who are not looking for any such benefit, there is no such rule. Just as one will swallow a chip of candy that one gets to lay his hands on, we will recite the divine names.

Adi nadu andhi vAy – during beginning, middle and end periods of the day. There is no rule with regard to time for reciting the divine names of emperumAn. One can recite during morning, noon and night, at all times.

vAyndha malar – even among flowers, there is no rule about which flowers are to be offered to emperumAn. With any flower that one could get his hands on.

thUvi – there is no rule in the way the flowers are offered. Scattering them without following any procedure

vaigalum – we will attain him at all times. Just as we eat everyday, we will recite his names everyday.

Eyndha piRaikkOttuch chengaN kari viduththa pemmAn – elephant with crescent shaped tusks and reddish eyes. The elephant could be considered as either referring to kuvalayApIdam which was incited by kamsa to kill krishNa or to SrI gajEndhrAzhwAn which was protected by emperumAn from crocodile. If it refers to kuvalayApIdam, we can construe it as referring to emperumAn removing the hurdles for his followers. If it refers to SrI gajEndrAzhwAn, we can construe it as referring to emperumAn’s affection towards those who approach him.

kari viduththu – unable to let go of the one flower that gajEndhran wanted to offer, releasing that gajEndhran from the jaws of crocodile.

pemmAn – to my swAmy (master); to my Lord who is the supreme entity. The knowledge that he is a servitor to emperumAn gives the confidence to AzhwAr to attain him.

iRaikku – emperumAn, the ordained lord.

Atpadath thuNindha yAn – I, who became sure that I will carry out service to emperumAn; I who became sure in the servitorship which is the benefit of attaining him. AzhwAr says that he carried out service, as emperumAn removed the hurdles; I who became sure that I will carry out service to emperumAn who is capable of destroying enemies.

We shall take up the 74th pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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