thiruvAimozhi – 5.9.4 – nichchalum thozhimIrgAL

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Introduction for this pAsuram

Highlights from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s introduction

No specific introduction.

Highlights from nanjIyar‘s introduction

In the 4th pAsuram, to her friends who stop her saying “desiring like this is not good”, parAnguSa nAyaki says “my AthmA is with him, your blabbering is useless”.

Highlights from vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s introduction

Subsequently, parAnguSa nAyaki says “While I am affectionate towards emperumAn who is the benefactor for being with his eternal devotees in thiruvallavAzh which has gardens and mansions, what is the use of your tormenting?”.

Highlights from periyavAchchAn piLLai‘s introduction

See nanjIyar‘s introduction.

Highlights from nampiLLai‘s introduction as documented by vadakkuth thiruvIdhip piLLai

See nanjIyar‘s introduction.


nichchalum thOzhimIrgAL emmai nIr nalindhen seydhIrO
pachchilai nIL kamugum palavum thengum vAzhaigaLum
machchaNi mAdangaL mIdhaNavum thaN thiruvallavAzh
nachcharavinaNai mEl nampirAnadhu nannalamE


Word-by-Word meanings (based on vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s 12000 padi)

thOzhimIrgAL – Oh friends (who always care for my likes)!
emmai – us (who have not fulfilled your desire)
nIr – you
nichchalum – always
nalindhu – stopping me and torturing me
en – what actions
seydhIr – are you doing?
pasu – green
ilai – having leaves
nIL – tall
kamugum – areca tree
pachchilai nIL – similar
palavum – jack fruit tree
thengum – coconut tree
vAzhaigaLum – plantain trees
machchu – upper storeys
aNi – being complete
mAdangaL – on the mansions
mIdhu – on top of
aNavum – spread (giving shade for those lands)
thaN – cool
thiruvallavAzh – in thiruvallavAzh
nanju – spitting poison (to stop the non-devotees)
aravin aNai mEl – reclining on the divine serpent bed
nam – revealed for us
pirAnadhu – the great benefactor’s

nal – abundance
nalam – goodness.

Simple translation (based on vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s 12000 padi)

Oh friends! What actions are you doing by always stopping me and torturing me? My abundant goodness (also explained as, good AthmA) belongs to emperumAn who manifested to me his reclining on the divine serpent bed which is splitting poison in cool thiruvallavAzh which has tall areca trees with green leaves, jack fruit trees, coconut trees, plantain trees which are spread over mansions which are complete with upper storeys.

vyAkyAnams (commentaries)

Highlights from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s vyAkyAnam

See vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s translation.

Highlights from nanjIyar‘s vyAkyAnam

See nampiLLai‘s vyAkyAnam.

Highlights from periyavAchchAn piLLai‘s vyAkyAnam

See nampiLLai‘s vyAkyAnam.

Highlights from nampiLLai‘s vyAkyAnam as documented by vadakkuth thiruvIdhip piLLai

  • nichchalum thOzhimIrgAL – The friends would repeatedly say “you are not supposed to be like this”, still will have no result; but considering that they cannot lose her, they started saying the same thing again; parAnguSa nAyaki said “if you are not going to stop tormenting me, please go and torment me where I am”. As my AthmA belongs to him, what is the use of your advice to me? Just as I have the desire to see him always, you have this desire to redeem me.
  • thOzhimIrgAL – Are you speaking as yourself or are you speaking as mothers [usually mothers advice their daughters to restrain them from reaching out to their beloved ones]? There are such people who don’t have knowledge about their own nature. When some people tell something they should know who they are first.
  • emmai nIr – You who will think about my well being even at the cost of your own loss, and me who cannot survive on hearing your advice.
  • nalindhu en seydhIrO – Will I survive! Would that match your nature!
  • nichchalum thOzhimIr …piLLAn would explain “What did you gain by advising me from thiruvAimozhi 5.3 ‘mASaRu sOdhi‘ up until now?”.
  • thOzhimIrgAL emmai nIr nalindhu en seydhIrO – These friends would care for her even at their own expense, would they torment others?
  • en seydhIrO – An act is done for a particular result. Once the gain/loss is understood, should you not withdraw from your actions?
  • emmai nIr nalindhu en seydhIrO – Should those who instigated the love initially [in me], not work for the result too?
  • pachchilai … – Would any one try to redeem me who is caught in emperumAn‘s abode? Those who give advice should only do it where everything is green [happy]. Here everything is pale [due to sorrow in separation]. For those who have not separated, they will have their fresh [natural] colour [Since the trees are present in the abode where emperumAn is present, they are green].
  • palavum – Jack fruit tree. nanjIyar would mercifully explain “as said in ‘nIL kamugum’, uyndha piLLai would add the adjective ‘pachchilai nIL‘ (with fresh leaves and tall) to palavu, thengu and vAzhaigaL too”.
  • machchu aNi mAdangaL – Mansions which appear well decorated due to having multiple storeys.
  • mIdhu aNavum – As pampered children would have umbrella protection, these mansions have tall trees as protection.
  • thaN thiruvallavAzh – The town which is invigorating due to having gardens. In cool thiruvallavAzh where the complete multi-storeyed mansions are protected by the shades of the tall areca trees, jack fruit trees, coconut trees and plantain trees.
  • nachchu aravin aNai mEl – As there are gardens above and in the surroundings, is it necessary to have them underneath too? [Already, AdhiSEshan is present as the mattress] Here too, there is no shortcoming in coolness, fragrance and tenderness.
  • nachchu aravu – He is both the mattress and the protector [as he spits poison on seeing the enemies]. For the beautiful gardens, [this is] the town where bhOgis (those who are of enjoying nature, one who is lying on serpent) can reside constantly.
  • nachchu aravu – Just as perumAL (SrI rAma) and pirAtti (sIthA) enjoyed in the forest while iLaiya perumAL (lakshmaNa) protected them with the bow in his hands, here too he is protecting them as said in samkshEpa rAmAyaNam “ramamANA vanE thraya:“. This is multi-faceted protection [since AdhiSEshan has thousand hoods]. When perumAL, iLaiya perumAL and pirAtti mercifully arrived at srungibhErapuram, SrI guhap perumAL told iLaiya perumAL “perumAL and pirAtti are resting; I have prepared a bed for you so that you can place your head at their divine feet; since we are forest dwellers and roaming around, we will not be able to sleep; since you are a prince, you are tender; don’t fear that bharatha et al may come; you can rest peacefully; I am present along with my soldiers [for your protection]”; iLaiya perumAL replied to him as in SrI rAmAyaNam ayOdhyA kANdam 51.9 “kathA dhAsarathau bhUmau SayAnE sahasIthayA” (how can I rest, when SrI rAma is resting along with sIthA on the ground?) – Come on! How can I sleep when the tender SrI rAma who was begot by emperor dhaSaratha after sixty thousand years is resting on the ground? He had not even stayed under sage vaSishta et al (those who were his teachers) [due to his being the prince], and that too he is resting there along with pirAtti; this being the case, I am not consciously avoiding sleep; I am unable to do so [due to being so heart-broken]. [All of these are explained to highlight how AdhiSEshan constantly protects emperumAn]
  • nam pirAnadhu nannalamE – If it is as said in SrI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 15.52 “asyAthEvyAmanas thasmin thasyachAsyAmprathishtitham” (the mind of sIthA is with SrI rAma and SrI rAma’s mind is with sIthA), will I not be relaxed? How can I be relaxed when my mind and AthmA both are with him?
  • nam pirAnadhu nannalamE – My good self reached the emperumAn who made me exclusively exist for him by showing his beautiful reclining form on AdhiSEshan. It can also be said as – he made me exist exclusively for him as AdhiSEshan is. When my good self is there with him, what is the point in giving advice just to my body? If you want, go to him and give your advice.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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