thiruvAimozhi – 5.5.9 – mun ninRAy

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Introduction for this pAsuram

Highlights from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s introduction

No specific introduction.

Highlights from nanjIyar‘s introduction

In the ninth pAsuram, parAnguSa nAyaki says “nambi has entered my heart with all his beauty and never leaves there even for a moment so that I don’t forget him”.

Highlights from vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s introduction

See nanjIyar‘s introduction.

Highlights from periyavAchchAn piLLai‘s introduction

See nanjIyar‘s introduction.

Highlights from nampiLLai‘s introduction as documented by vadakkuth thiruvIdhip piLLai

See nanjIyar‘s introduction.


mun ninRAy enRu thOzhimArgaLum annaiyarum munidhir
mannu mAdath thirukkuRungudi nambiyai nAn kaNda pin
senni nIL mudi AdhiyAya ulappil aNigalaththan
kannal pAl amudhAgi vandhu en nenjam kazhiyAnE


Word-by-Word meanings (based on vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s 12000 padi)

(you were raised [in a very caring way] without being seen by sun, to be seen by mortals)

mun – in front
ninRAy – stood
enRu – saying that
thOzhimArgaLum – the friends (who suffer along)
annaiyarum – mothers (who seek out the well-being)
munidhir – were angry [on me];
mannum – firmly rooted
mAdam – having mansions
thirukkuRungudi nambiyai – thirukkuRungudi nambi
nAn – I (who am setting out to go without caring for my femininity)
kaNda pin – after seeing
senni – on the head
nIL – tall (which indicates supremacy over everyone)
mudi – divine crown
AdhiyAy – etc
ulappil – countless
aNi – wore
kalaththan – has ornaments
kannal – sugar
pAl – milk
amudhu – like nectar
Agi – being infinitely enjoyable
vandhu – came
en – my
nenjam – heart
kazhiyAn – is not leaving

Simple translation (based on vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s 12000 padi)

Friends and mothers are angry at me saying that I am standing in front; after seeing nambi of thirukkuRungudi which is having firmly rooted tall mansions, he came with his tall divine crown on the head and countless ornaments, being infinitely enjoyable like sugar, milk and nectar, into my heart and is not leaving [from there].

vyAkyAnams (commentaries)

Highlights from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s vyAkyAnam

See vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s translation.

Highlights from nanjIyar‘s vyAkyAnam

See nampiLLai‘s vyAkyAnam.

Highlights from periyavAchchAn piLLai‘s vyAkyAnam

See nampiLLai‘s vyAkyAnam.

Highlights from nampiLLai‘s vyAkyAnam as documented by vadakkuth thiruvIdhip piLLai

  • mun ninRAy enRu – It seems that parAnguSa nAyaki has not even stood in front of her friends. She is like sIthAp pirAtti as said in SrI rAmAyaNam ayOdhyA kANdam 33.8 “yAnaSakyApurAdhrashtum bUthairAkASakairapi” (That sIthA who could not be seen by the great elements too). Seeing her boldness [in pursuing emperumAn by coming out], irrespective of those who like her [friends] or who censure her [mothers], start censuring her.
  • mannu mAdam – As said in SrIvishNu purANam 5.38.9 “vAsudhEvagruham thvEkam  na plAvayathi sAgara:” (krishNa’s palace cannot be destroyed even by the ocean), she is saying that these mansions will remain in tact even during praLayam (deluge).
  • nAn kaNda pin – I who will not withdraw. I who am free of any shyness.
  • senni … – Starting with the crown on the top of his head, one who is having countless ornaments. One who is having countless divine ornaments starting with the divine crown on his head which reveals his supremacy.
  • aNi kalan – the divinely beautiful combination of ornaments.
  • kannal pAl amudhu Agi – This implies all types of tastes.
  • vandhu … – After arriving in my heart, he is not leaving. They cannot censure the one who brought me out in to the fore front [emperumAn]; they are only capable of censuring me saying “mun ninRAy” (you stood in front). I too desire to forget him, but am unable to do so [you can suggest a way to forget him].

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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