
SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

SrI paramapadhanAthan in paramapadham (spiritual realm)

thirunedunthaNdakam is written by thirumangai AzhvAr . It is said to be his last prabandham before he ascended to paramapadham but is considered as one of the most important ones among dhivya prabandhams.

thirumangai AzhvAr with kumudhavalli nAchchiyAr at thiruvAli thirunagari

thirumangai AzhvAr’s avathAra thirunakshathram is ‘kArththigaiyil kArththigai’, and he was born in thirukkuraiyalUr.

thirunedunthANdakam is mentioned in the glorious vaibhavam of SrI parAsara bhattar and nanjeeyar, as the topic that started the wonder in nanjeeyar about who this bhattar might be.

periyavAchchAn piLLai has written vyAkyAnam (commentary) for this prabandham of thirunedunthANdakam.

thANdakam’ is a type of thamizh poetry in which this prabandham is set.

nedum’ indicates longer one (as opposed to thirukkurunthANdakam which is a shorter one).

vaibhavam (Glories)

About the translation

An attempt is made here to translate in English the vyAkyAnam of thirunedunthANdakam – or at least parts of vyAkyAnam of each pAsuram.

For this translation, adiyOngaL (we) will be perusing the following invaluable sources.

  1. periyavAchchAn piLLai‘s vyAkyAnam in maNipravALam style, and puththUr swami’s explanations of it.
  2. kAlakshEpam recordings of great scholars, on this prabandham.

With the blessings of asmadhAchAryan, AzhwAr, emperumAnAr, and jIyar we shall proceed with the translation. We invite you to come in and immerse yourself in the divine meanings of this wonderful and essential prabandham.

Translation by raghuram SrInivAsa dAsan

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