SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
Antar bahis sakalavasthushu santhameesam
Antaha puraha sthithamivaham aveekshamanaha /
Kandarppavascha hrudayas sathatham bhavami
Hantha thvatagragamanasya Yathindra narhaha //
word-by-word meanings
He Yathindra – Come Yathiraja!
aham – myself
sakalavasthushu – in all things
antar bahischa santham – pervaded in and out
Esam – Sriman Narayana who is controlling all
puraha sthitham – the man who is appearing in front
antaha iva – like blindman
aveekshamanaha san – not seen by Him, hence
kandarppavascha hrudayaha – desired and yielded to Manmadan
sathatham bhavami – is being always
tvath agra gamanasya – to come before Yourself
aham na harhaha – I am not eligible
hantha – Alas! what a hardship.
Simple Translation
Mamunigal says that Yathiraja is inviting by saying, please come to my place where I am here, so that I will do whatever is required. Mamunigal feels that he not even eligible to approach Yathiraja. In Sloka 7 for the words, vruththya pasuhu naravapuhu aham, Mamunigal pitifully remarked that not knowing to differentiate between mother and other things like an animal he was existing as a man with body only. Explaining the above statement, in this Sloka Mamunigal informs Yatiraja the status of his mind which is yielded to lust. With due consideration, Mamunigal says that Yatiraja is the Head of those elders who controlled lust and he is unable to face him after being yielded to lust. Annappangar Swami beautiful summarizes that Mamunigal, who is wedded to lust and, feels not eligible to stand before Ramanuja and even if he stands before Ramanuja that will embarass Him.
Translation by Sri U.Ve.Dr.M.Varadarajan Swami, MA, MA, PhD
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