SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
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pAsuram 63
AchAryan sey(dha) upakAramAnavadhu
thUydhAga nenju thannil thOnRumEl – thEsAn
tharaththil irukka manam thAn porundha mAttAdhu
iruththal ini EdhaRiyOm yAm. 63
Word by word meaning
thUydhu Aga – If without any blemishes
nenju thannil – in the mind
thOnRumEl – one realizes
upakAramAna adhu – the favour
AchAryan – one’s AchAryan
sey – did, then
manam thAn – one’s mind
porundha mAttAdhu – would not tolerate
irukka – staying
thEsantharaththil – in a place that is away from service to AchAryan;
ini – this being the case
Edhu – what could be the reason for
iruththal – staying in that way in a place that is away from service to AchAryan?
yAm aRiyOm – I don’t know of any.
He (maNavALa mAmunigaL) divined in the previous three pAsurams about AchAryan’s nature of getting us to the shore (uththArakathvam). In this pAsuram, he is divining about AchAryan’s help (upakAram) that he did to us, starting with ‘AchAryan sey(dha) upakAram’.
The big help of AchAryan who gave knowledge etc., and been giving protection – if this gets highlighted in individual minds, then mind of a disciple who is having gratitude would not be capable of living in a different place than the place of AchAryan.
AchAryan sey(dha) upakAramAna adhu – Since the great help that AchAryan did for this disciple to reach true goal cannot be paid back in any way, and is beyond words, it can only be referred to as ‘adhu’ (that). If such great ‘that’ help is thought through in the mind –
thUydhAga nenju thannil thOnRumEl – Starting from giving knowledge, through getting the destiny of SrIvaikuNtam, the continued help that is nurtured;
upakAramAnavadhu – As said in ‘AthmanOhyathi nIchasya yOgidhyEya padhArhathAm | krupayai vOpa karththAram AchAryam samsmarEth sadhA [vyAyAnam of SrI vachana bhUshaNam – 324]’ (even if of lower strata, one should meditate on the divine feet of AchAryan who shows the divine feet that is meditated on by the yOgis),
and in ‘aththA nee seydhana adiyEn aRiyEnE [thiruvAimozhi 2.3.2]’ (Oh emperumAn, as mother, father etc., and as Acharyan I cannot finish talking about various help you have done for me),
and in ‘ennaith theemanam keduththAy maruvith thozhum manamE thandhAy unakku en seygEn [thiruvAimozhi 2.7.8]’ (How can I return your favor of helping me by removing the badness in my mind such that I can break the cycle of births here),
and so in these ways if one involves about the great help of AchAryan, if that gets highlighted in one’s mind in pure thoughts; saying ‘if’ here shows the rarity of having such gratitude.
While it is common to see those not having gratitude, those having gratitude are rare to find.
In the material world that is like this, as said in ‘gurvarthasvAthmana: pumsa: kruthagyasya mahAthmana: [anthimOpAya nishtai – page 8]’ (one should always have gratitude and meditate upon the guru),
it is only he (maNavALa mAmunigaL) who is there to follow this. He (maNavALa mAmunigaL) who is full of knowledge, his gratitude is like he has said in:
– ‘thEsam thigazhum thiruvAimozhip piLLai [Arththi prabandham – 12]’ (thiruvAimozhip piLLai whose greatness has spread in all places)
– ‘vAsa malarth thAL adaindha vaththu [Arththi prabandham – 57]’ (vaththu -> vasthu; thiruvAimozhip piLLai considered me as a thing (whereas I am nothing) that reached his fragrant divine feet) , and
– ‘thiruvAimozhip piLLAi theevinaiyOm thammaik kuruvAgi vandhu uyyak koNdu [Arththi prabandham – 46]’ (thiruAimozhip piLLai incarnated to accept us who are having rude minds, to get us reformed, to reach the true goal), and
– ‘thirumalaiyAzhvAr thiruvAimozhip piLLai seer aruLAl, tharumadhi koNdavar thammai uththArakarAga eNNi, iru manamE [Arththi prabandham – 21]’ (Oh mind! thiruvAimozhip piLLai who is having the divine name of SrI SailESa, by his voluntary mercy bestowed knowledge in me – using that knowledge as the means think about him as the savior from this material world), and
– ‘seerArum AchAriyanAlE anRO nAm uyndhadhu [Arththi prabandham – 45]’ (It is due to AchAryan that we realized our relationship with emperumAn, and that we get the true goal). and
– ‘kUsAmal eppozhudum kURu [Arththi prabandham – 45]’ (say that (the aforementioned) about our AchAryan without shyness and pride).
Now, He (maNavALa mAmunigaL) says that, in this way the mind of these people who have seen the help of AchAryan would not wish to stay in a place different from that of AchAryan.
thEsAntharaththil irukka manam thAn porundha mAttAdhu – That is, the mind which expects to give something in return for the help received, would not be fit in a place different from that of AchAryan, for the reason of interest in things, interest in living in a place, etc.
Even if they liked to be there somewhere else, their mind would not find it fit to stay in such places, as said in ‘ninnidaiyEn allEn enRu neengi [thiruvAimozhi – 8.2.10]’ (My mind leaves saying that I am not a part of you), it would leave them and be ‘mundhuRRa nenju [periya thiruvanthAdhi – 1]’ (Oh mind! which is more eager than me), such is the mind that sets to avoid being somewhere else as said in ‘pOndhadhu en nenju [rAmAnusa nURRanthAdhi – 100]’ (my mind got fixed onto your divine feet).
So, as said in ‘upakAra smruthiyAlE sahavAsam sidhdhikkum [SrI vachana bhUshaNam – 325]’ (due to the disciple’s thoughts of gratitude, AchAryan would get his company), the mind of those who stay together with him and stay under the sight of him (AchAryan), would not be able to tolerate the separation.
Those having such mindset are those like nanjeeyar, dheivavAri ANdAn (look for his divine name in this link: AlavandhAr), et al.
Now, when asked ‘Why do you say that the mind would not tolerate separation? There are those who are staying separated (from AchAryan)’, he (maNavALa mAmunigaL) says –
iruththal ini EdhaRiyOm yAm – As said in ‘AchAryan paNNina upakAraththai anusandhiththu ilan Agil, gyAnAmsamadaiya maRaindhu agyAnAmsamE mElidum – ஆசார்யன் பண்ணின உபகாரத்தை அநுஸந்தித்திலனாகில், ஜ்ஞாநாம்சமடைய மறைந்து அஜ்ஞாநாம்சமே மேலிடும்’ (~ If one does not appreciate the help done by AchAryan, the characteristics of knowledge would fully vanish, and only ignorance would rise up),
with such ingratitude which is ‘nishkruthi illAdha pApam’ (sin that does not have a requital / parikAram), without knowing that, being separated and being immersed in that state – don’t know the reason for this. Only the minds of those who are separate from AchAryan would know the reason.
ini EdhaRiyOm – After this is the state of the meanings, is there some who knows the reason (for the separation) and can tell us that. Since he (maNavALa mAmunigaL) is ignorant when it comes to knowing the mistakes of others, he is saying ‘ini EdhaRiyOm’.
Without going according to the words of SAsthram – ‘nithyam gurumupAseetha’ (should meditate about guru every day), and without going according to the words of AchAryan ‘sadhAchAryan kaN vattam vittAl, nithya samsAriyAyE pOmiththanai’ (If stayed away from the sight of AchAryan, one would eternally stay in the cycle of being born in this material world) – such people’s conduct is beyond comprehension of knowledgeable ones.
yAm EdhaRiyOm – Having the conduct of being under the shadow of AchAryan, budding and blossoming of svarUpam – instead, having the heart of opposite conduct – do not know to find and tell you the reason for that. I do not ‘know’ that.
So even for him (maNavALa mAmunigaL) who is full of all knowledge, this contradictory conduct is beyond knowing.
vyAkyAtha piLLai lOkam jeeyar says ‘my AchAryan divined in his anthimOpAya nishtai, the following aithihyam’ :
A SrivaishNavan, who had surrendered to the divine feet of nanjeeyar, was preparing to leave for some other place; a knowledgeable person hated that saying do you have to leave the divine feet of nanjeeyar. He responded and consoled, wherever I am, nanjeeyar’s love would be there’;
a confidante sishyai (woman disciple) of nanjeeyar heard this and said to that person for not being anguished for going away, ‘What did you say piLLAi (child)! Here you think about the story divined in the vyAkyAnam of ‘EnaththuruvAy ulagidandha UzhiyAn pAdham nALum maruvadhArkku uNdAmO vAn [mudhal thiruvanthAdhi – 91]’ (One who does not surrender to the divine feet of emperumAn – would they get SrIvaikuNtam?) (If such is the case for emperumAn, it goes without saying in the case for AchAryan – is the implication here).
– – – – – – – – – –
Translation: raghurAm SrInivAsa dhAsan
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