upadhESa raththina mAlai – 40

SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:
SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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pAsuram 40

mundhuRavE piLLAn mudhalAnOr seydhu aruLum
andha viyAkkiyaigaL anRAgil – andhO
thiruvAimozhip poruLai thErndhu uraikka valla
guruvAr ikkAlam nenjE kUru.                                                   40

pAsuram 40

Word by word meaning

mundhuRavE – Before itself
piLLAn mudhalAnOr thirukkurugaip pirAn piLLan and others, the five of them
seydhu aruLum – divined the authoring of
andha viyAkkiyaigaL – those vyAkyAnams (commentaries / explanations);
anRAgil – If these were not there
andhO – O! (aiyyO! – alas!)
guru Ar – who are present as AchAryas
ikkAlam – at this time
valla – who can
thErndhu – clearly know
uraikka – and explain the
thiruvAimozhip poruLai – great meanings of thiruvAimozhi (arththa visEsham)
nenjE – Oh mind
kURu – you shall say!


He (maNavALa mAmunigaL) is divining in a negating way about the greatness of vyAkyAnams that they authored earlier, as ‘mundhuRavE piLLAn mudhalAnOr seydhu aruLum’.

That is, as said in ‘gyAnAnyalpee bhavishyanthi [bhAgavatham]’ (becomes less in knowledge), before the sampradhAyams become less and less, already, at earlier time itself, the five AchAryas from piLLAn to jIyar divined –

andha viyAkkiyaigaL – those distinguished vyAkyAnams.

anRAgil – if they had not authored them; if in those times if they who are visionaries (dhIrgadharSi) had not authored the vyAkyAnams, then today how we would have suffered – saying so he feels sad.

andhO – Same as said in ‘na chEth rAmAnujEth yEshA chathurA chathurAkshari | kAmavasthAm prapadhyanthE janthavO hantha mAdhrusa: [varavaramuni mukthakam – 5 / uththara dhinacharyA – 20]’

(Oh! If there was no ‘rAmAnuja’ the most prudent four lettered manthra, what state would worms like me would have ended up in, isn’t it?).

thiruvAimozhip poruLai thErndhu uraikka valla guru Ar ikkAlam nenjE kURu – When explaining thiruvAimozhi is it not needed to have wisdom that is complete in knowledge? Who is there now with clear knowledge to explain this? Where would they be seen?

Looking at the feeble state of knowledge in this time, (and on the other hand) the profoundness of meanings of thiruvAimozhi as said in  ‘dhrAvida vEdhasAgaram [thiruvAimozhi thaniyan](an ocean of dhrAvida (thamizh) vEdham), and, ‘ALavu iyanRa anthAdhi [thiruvAimozhi 1.4.11]’ (thiruvAimozhi with unlimited glories), he (maNavALa mAmunigAL) is saying who is having the capability to understand this correctly and author a suitable vyAkyAnam for it.

thErndhu uraikka valla guru Ar – When it is rare to find even those who can understand the greatness of those existing vyAkyAnams, as said in ‘aRiyak kaRRu vallAr [thiruvAimozhi – 5.5.11]’ (), and grow it, it is very rare to find anyone now who can follow the divine mind of AzhvAr and author a vyAkyAnam, isn’t it?

srisailesa-thanian-mamunigal-eedu-goshtiCompletion of thiruvAimozhi eedu discourse by maNavALa mAmunigaL

uraikka valla – by this, there being rarity in (finding one who can) match the meaning to the letters.

uraikka valla guru Ar ikkAlam – During the time (now) when there are those who steal things (poruL), would it be possible to get those who would enrich the meanings (poruL)

{in thamizh ‘poruL’ is for both ‘thing’ and ‘meaning’. It is a similar case in samskrutham for the word ‘artham’}.

Even then, time is such that they would escape with ‘kaipporuL’ (important things / what is left), isn’t it?

They would steal ‘piRar nan poruL [kaNNinuN chiruth thAmbu – 5]’ (Others’ good things / AthmA which is emperumAn’s property), isn’t it?

As the time is cruel, as said in ‘kadal aLavAya thisai ettinuLLum kali iruLE midai tharu kAlaththu [rAmAnusa nURRanthAdhi – 59], would there be one who with their sharp true knowledge analyze the meanings of thiruvAimozhi and say it?

nenjE kURu – Oh mind! which is obedient to the thiruvAimozhi AchAryas starting from the time of bhAshyakArar. Like them who see the same meanings (in thiruvAimozhi), try to show me even one person as so and so, during the current time.

So getting them is being rare isn’t it?

– – – – – – – – – –

Translation: raghurAm SrInivAsa dhAsan

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