upadhESa raththina mAlai – 31

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pAsuram 31

thoNdaradip podiyAr thOnRiya Ur thol pugazh sEr
maNdangudi enbar maNNulagil – eN thisaiyum
Eththum kulasEkaran Ur ena uraippar
vAyththa thiruvanchikkaLam                                                                         31


Word by word meaning

maNNulagil – In the earth,
thOnRiya Ur – the city of incarnation (of)
thoNdaradippodiyArthoNdaradippodi AzhvAr
thol – (is the) ancient
maNdankudi – thirumaNdangudi city
sEr – (which is) having
pugazh – greatness,
enbar – say the learned ones;
eN thisaiyum – those in all the eight directions
Eththum – revere (the)
kulasEkaran Ur – city of incarnation of kulasEkarAzhvAr
vAiththa – (which is) suitable for the svarUpam (true nature)
thiru – (is the) beautiful
vanjikkaLam – city named vanjikkaLam,
enRu uraippar – say the learned ones.


In this pAsuram, he is divining about thoNdaradippodi AzhvAr’s and kulasEkarap perumAL’s places of incarnations.

thoNdaraip podiyAr thOnRiya Ur thol pugazh sEr maNdangkudi enbar maNNulagil – In this earth the place of incarnation of thoNdaradippodi AzhvAr is ‘thol pugazh sEr maNdangudi enbar’ – thirumandangudi which is having natural greatness and suitable, is the place of incarnation of thoNdaradippodi AzhvAr who is an expert of the vEdhas, say the learned ones. Staunch vaidhikas who nurture that greatness of (his) incarnation would be according to ‘maNdangudi enbar mAmaRaiyOr thoNdaradippodi thonnagaram [thiruppaLLiezhuchchi thaniyan] ’ (same meaning as this phrase).

Since it is an ancient city, it has got well established greatness. Also this is very close to thiruppuLLam bhUthangudi dhivyadhEsam isn’t it?

Mandangudi Thondaradipodi Azhwar-003thoNdaradippodi AzhvAr with his flower basket, at thirumandankudi

eN thisaiyum Eththum kulasEkaran Ur ena uraippar vAyththa thiruvanjikkaLamHis (kulasEkarap perumAL’s) bhakthi (devotion) towards bhagavAn and bhAgavathas (devotees) is such that it is revered by everyone in all the eight directions; such kulasEkarap perumAL who is ‘mudi vEndhar SikAmaNi [perumAL thirumozhi thaniyan]’ (crest jewel on the heads of the emperors) incarnated in the place of thiruvanjikkaLam which is a suitable one.

kulasekarazhvar_thiruvanjikkalam_2012_DSC01809kulasEkarap perumAL as divining from thiruvanjikkaLam

vAyththa – coming together.

This is in kEraLa dhESam, under the name of nisuLA which is a big city. This is near what is presently called as thiruviththuvakkOdu that is the dhivya dhESam of thiruviRRuvakkOdu.

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Translation: raghurAm SrInivAsa dhAsan

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