nAchchiyAr thirumozhi – padhinmUnRAm thirumozhi (Thirteenth decad) – kaNNan ennum

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

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In the previous thirumozhi (divine words of the twelfth decad), she requested her mothers and others to carry her to vada madhurai and other abodes which emperumAn liked. These people, who see her suffering like this and contemplate on her, would not have the strength in their legs to carry her to those places. Even if they decide to go, exerting themselves by placing her on a cot, it could not be said with certainty that she would be able to sustain her life till they reached the destination. Hence, they hesitated to carry her. She then tells them in this thirumozhi “After knowing how I suffer in separation from him, if you wish to see me alive, bring something which has a connection with his divine form and make a connection for that material with me”.

Looking at her dire situation, her mothers et al tell her “Could you, who are constantly envisioning kaNNan, suffer truly? Even if you have pangs of separation, could you suffer to the extent of letting go of your life? Should you not protect the quality of your clan by which you have to wait patiently for his arrival? Should you not prevent the blame which could befall him when others say ‘He has made her to tremble like this’?” She responds to them, through her pAsurams in this thirumozhi “Your word of telling me that my act will bring blame to the clan does not go with my urge to see him, without which I would not be able to sustain myself. If you have a thought to protect me from getting destroyed, bring any material which has a connection with his divine form and try to protect me by touching me with that material”.

Next, we will consider the 1st pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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