upadhEsa raththina mAlai – Simple Explanation – pAsurams 19 and 20

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

upadhEsa raththina mAlai

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pAsuram 19

Nineteenth pAsuram. mAmunigaL explains the greatness of thiruppallANdu (mercifully composed by periyAzhwAr) among the aruLichcheyal (collection of all the divine hymns) of all the AzhwArs, through an example.

kOdhilavAm AzhwArgaL kURu kalaikkellAm
Adhi thiruppallANdu Anadhavum – vEdhaththukku
Om ennum adhu pOl uLLadhukku ellAm surukkAyth
thAn mangalam AdhalAl

AzhwArs did not have the fault of trying to attain emperumAn through other means as well as the fault of not having the total urge to attain him speedily. These AzhwArs mercifully composed the divine hymns which did not have the fault of speaking about any matter other than matters related to emperumAn. Among these divine hymns, since thiruppallANdu was totally anchored on mangaLASAsanam which was only looking at the benefits to emperumAn, it has gained prominence among all the divine hymns of AzhwArs, just as praNavam is the inner meaning of vEdhas.

pAsuram 20

Twentieth pAsuram. He further explains the uniqueness of periyAzhwAr and his prabandham, thiruppallANdu.

uNdO thiruppallANdukku oppadhOr kalaidhAn
uNdO periyAzhwArkku opporuvar – thaN thamizh nUl
seydhu aruLum AzhwArgaL thammil avar sey kalaiyil
paidhal nenjE nI uNarndhu pAr

Oh childish heart! Analyse well the AzhwArs who mercifully composed divine hymns due to the causeless mercy of emperumAn as well as their divine hymns. Is there a divine hymn matching thiruppallANdu? No. thirupallANdu is fully focussed on wishing emperumAn to live long. The divine hymns of other AzhwArs are focussed on experiencing the divinity of emperumAn. Is there an AzhwAr who matches periyAzhwAr? No. periyAzhwAr sustains himself by singing paeans of praise on emperumAn’s beauty etc while the other AzhwArs are fully immersed in the auspicious qualities of emperumAn.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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