nAchchiyAr thirumozhi – Simple Explanation – padhinmUnRAm thirumozhi – kaNNan ennum

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

nAchchiyAr thirumozhi

<< panniraNdAm thirumozhi

Those who saw her condition felt sorrowful and will not have the strength to take her anywhere. Even if they make huge efforts, she has to be mercifully carried in a mattress only. In this condition, she tells them “If you want to set right my condition, bring any material which is connected to emperumAn and by gently rubbing it on me, try and save my life”.

They ask her “Did you, who are fully engaged with emperumAn completely, really suffer? Could you suffer like this? Should you not, having surrendered to emperumAn, see the greatness of that clan [of those who surrendered]? If you do like this, should you not think of the blame which will entail him?” She responds saying “The words which you people are saying because blame should not come to our clan, are not appropriate to my present condition. If you have any thought of protecting me, get any object from him and gently rub it on me“.

First pAsuram. She tells them to bring the yellow colour vestment which has been donned on his divine hip and fan her with it such that her distress is relieved.

kaNNan ennum karum dheyvam kAtchi pazhagik kidappEnai
puNNil puLippu eydhArpOl puRam ninRu azhagu pEsAdhE
peNNin varuththam aRiyAdha perumAn araiyil pIdhaga
vaNNa Adai koNdu ennai vAttam thaNiya vIsIrE

Oh mothers! I am in the presence of kaNNan who is a dark, but an esteemed God. Instead of standing far from me and irritating me, just like adding salt to a wound by advising me, bring the divine yellow coloured vestment from the divine waist of kaNNa, who does not know the sorrows of a girl, and fan me with that such that this pain of separation disappears.

Second pAsuram. She tells them to remove the divine thuLasi garland which he had donned, and bedeck it on her tresses.

pAl Alilaiyil thuyil koNda paraman valaippattu irundhEnai
vElAl thunnam peydhAR pOl vENdiRRellAm pEsAdhE
kOlAl nirai mEyththu AyanAyk kudandhaik kidandha kudamAdi
neelAr thaNNam thuzhAyk koNdu en neRi men kuzhal mEl sUttIrE

I am caught in the web of that supreme entity who mercifully lay on the tender banyan leaf, as an infant who was in nursing stage. Stop speaking to me about whatever you people want to say, which appears like a spear piercing through me. Instead, bring the fresh, beautiful cool thuLasi garland from kaNNan who is reclining in thirukkudandhai (a divine abode) and who grazed cows with a stick which helped in that task, and bedeck that garland on my soft tresses.

Third pAsuram. Bring the vanamAlai (a divine garland) on his chest and roll it on my chest such that my chest which is blistered by the arrow of his glance becomes cooled.

kanjaik kAyndha karuvilli kadaikkaN ennum siRaik kOlAl
nenju Uduruva EvuNdu nilaiyum thaLarndhu naivEnai
anjEl ennAn avan oruvan avan mArvaNindha vanamAlai
vanjiyAdhE tharumAgil mArvil koNarndhu purattIrE

I am in disarray having been pierced by the glance like arrow, with wings, of kaNNan who annihilated kamsan and who has eye brows which are like a huge bow. That emperumAn, who is very much distinguished from all of us, is not telling me “Do not fear”. If that emperumAn would mercifully give, without deceiving, his vanamAlai, please bring it and roll it on my chest.

Fourth pAsuram. She tells them to make her imbibe the divine nectar of the consort of SrI mahAlakshmi, emperumAn’s divine lips and remove her tiredness.

ArE ulagaththu ARRuvAr? AyarpAdi kavarndhuNNum
kArERuzhakka uzhakkuNdu thaLarndhum muRindhum kidappEnai
ArAvamudham anaiyAn than amudha vAyil URiya
nIr thAn koNarndhu pularAmE parukki iLaippai nIkkirE

kaNNan is like a black bull who robbed the entire place of thiruvAyppAdi (SrI gOkulam) and enoys it to the hilt. Who is there in this world to comfort me who has been tortured by him, making me to be weakened and anguished? (When the mothers said “We are all here; what do you want?”) Bring me the juice which is like nectar from his divine mouth, which will never make one feel satiated however much one drinks, and make me drink that such that my body doesn’t wither away and remove my ennui.

Fifth pAsuram. She tells them “If I don’t get from his lips,the divine nectar which is meant for me, take droplets of his nectar which spray down when he plays on the flute and smear them on my face”.

azhilum thozhilum urukkAttAn anjEl enRAn avan oruvan
thazhuvi muzhuvip pugundhu ennaich chuRRich chuzhanRu pOgAnAl
thazhaiyin pozhil vAy niraip pinnE nedumAl Udhi varuginRa
kuzhalin thoLai vAy nIr koNdu kuLira mugaththuth thadavIrE

kaNNan is a great person who will not manifest his divine form, whether one cries out or worships him, and he will not say “Do not fear”. He has come here, surrounding me both in the front and in the back, hugging me tightly. Bring the droplets of water which spill from the holes of flute when kaNNan plays, standing behind cows in gardens which are like umbrellas made of peacock feathers. Smear those droplets of water on my face so that it becomes cool.

Sixth pAsuram. Bring at least the particles of soil from under the divine feet of that shameless kaNNan and smear them on my body such that I can sustain my life.

nadai onRillA ulagaththu nandhagOpan magan ennum
kodiya kadiya thirumAlAl kuLappuk kURu koLappattu
pudaiyum peyaragillEn yAn pOtkan midhiththa adippAttil
podiththAn koNarndhu pUsirgaL pOgA uyir en udambaiyE

In this world where all the boundaries have been crossed, I was tortured so much that I couldn’t move even a little bit, being absolutely powerless, because of SrIya:pathi (consort of SrI mahAlakshmi) who goes by the name of son of SrI nandhagOpar, without any mercy and being selfish. Gather the powders of soil on which that shameless kaNNan’s divine feet had walked and apply them on my body from which the life has still not ebbed.

Seventh pAsuram. She tells them that even if he does not come to her on his own, if they could take her to him, that is acceptable and tells them to do it.

veRRik karuLak kodiyAn than mImIdhu AdA ulagaththu
veRRa veRidhE peRRa thAy vEmbEyAga vaLarththALE
kuRRamaRRa mulai thannaik kumaran kOlap paNaiththOLOdu
aRRa kuRRam avai thIra aNaiya amukkik kattIrE

In this world where the order of emperumAn, who has garuda as his victorious flag, cannot be crossed, yaSOdhA, who is his mother, has brought him up without any benefit for others, just like the bitter neem fruit. Bind my bosoms very firmly with that youthful emperumAn’s shoulders which are like the branches of a kaRpaga (wish-fulfilling) tree such that my bosoms which do not have any fault of liking someone else other than him, will have their fault of leaving me and existing exclusively for him, removed.

Eighth pAsuram. If I see him, who is boycotting me, I will uproot my useless bosoms and throw them on his chest, thus ridding me of my sorrows.

uLLE urugi naivEnai uLaLO ilaLO ennAdha
koLLai koLLik kuRumbanaik kOvarththananaik kaNdakkAl
koLLum payan onRu illAdha kongai thannaik kizhangOdum
aLLip paRiththittu avan mArvil eRindhu en azhalai thIrvEnE

He is not asking “Is she alive or is she dead?“ about me who is existing with my mind melted and wounded. He has taken away all my possessions. If I see that kaNNan who does evil things for me, I will uproot these useless bosoms and throw them at his chest, relieving me of my sorrows.

Ninth pAsuram. When people nearby told her to enjoy emperumAn who is her antharyAmi (residing inside her and controlling her), she says “I should enjoy him with this form; I do not wish to enjoy him in other means and in any other way”.

kommai mulaigaL idar thIrak kOvindhaRku Or kuRREval
immaip piRavi seyyAdhE inip pOych cheyyum thavam thAn en?
semmai udaiya thirumArvil sErththAnElum oru gyAnRu
meymmai solli mugam nOkki vidai thAn tharumEl miga nanRE

Instead of engaging in a private servitude for kaNNan with my well risen, stout bosoms in this birth itself, what is the purpose of going to another place and carrying out penance? If he hugs me with his affectionate, divine chest which is present only for embracing his followers, it will be good. If he looks at me one day and tells me truthfully “You are not needed for me” it will be even better.

Tenth pAsuram. She completes the decad by saying that those who learn this decad will experience only happiness, unlike her.

allal viLaiththa perumAnai Ayar pAdikku aNiviLakkai
villi pudhuvai nagar nambi vittuchiththan viyan kOdhai
villaith tholaiththa puruvaththAL vEtkai uRRu miga virumbum
sollaith thudhikka vallArgaL thunbak kadaluL thuvaLArE

ANdAL has eye brows which have defeated bow [in their beauty and curved appearance], has amazing qualities and is the divine daughter of periyAzhwAr who is the leader of SrIvillipuththUr. Those who are capable of singing these pAsurams compiled by her mercifully with insatiable love on kaNNan who had done lot of mischiefs in SrI gOkulam and become famous for that and who is like the auspicious lamp of SrI gOkulam, will not be sorrowful in the ocean of samsAram.


adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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