thiruvAimozhi nURRandhAdhi – 8 – Odu manam seygai urai

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Essence of thiruvAimozhi 1.8


In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s divine pAsurams which highlight emperumAn‘s honesty where he treats honest and dishonest people equally and is mercifully explaining it.

How is that done? Though surrendering to emperumAn is very enjoyable, as those who surrender are samsAris (materialistic people) who are dishonest in their three faculties viz mind, body and speech, will it not be difficult to have smooth interaction between AthmA and emperumAn? As those who tactically push water uphill where it will not be naturally possible for the water to flow, AzhwAr explains emperumAn’s Arjava guNam (honesty) which makes him interact with even those who surrendered to him very recently, considering their dishonesty as the reason for his honesty; mAmunigaL mercifully explains this starting with “Odu manam seygai urai“.


Odu manam seygai urai onRi nillAdhArudanE
kUdi nedumAl adimai koLLunilai – nAdaRiya
Orndhavan than semmai urai seydha mARan ena
Eyndhu niRkum vAzhvAm ivai


word-by-word meanings

Odum – running (to engage in worldly pleasures)
manam – heart
seygai – body
urai – speech (these)
onRi nillAdhArudanE – with those dishonest persons who cannot have these in harmony
kUdi – uniting
nedumAl – sarvESvaran
adimai koLLum nilai – the quality of accepting them as servitors
nAdu aRiya – to have the people well aware
Orndhu – analysed
avanthan semmai – his honesty
urai seydha – mercifully spoke
mARan ena – as one thinks about AzhwAr
vAzhvu Am ivai – these wealth which fit naturally with self
Eyndhu niRkum – fit well and remain forever.

Simple Translation

As one thinks about AzhwAr who analysed sarvESvaran’s quality of accepting those dishonest persons who cannot have their wavering heart, body and speech in harmony and mercifully spoke about emperumAn‘s honesty to make the people to be well aware, wealth which fits the self naturally will remain well, forever.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam

  • Odu manam seygai urai onRi nillAdhArudanE kUdi – Uniting with dishonest persons who act in a crooked manner with wavering heart as said in periya thirumozhi 1.1.4 “ninRavA nillA nenju“, and the body and the speech which follow that wavering mind, where these three faculties are not in harmony.
  • nedumAl adimai koLLum nilai – The quality of honesty of sarvESvaran, who is greater than all, to have such dishonest persons as his servitors.
  • nAdaRiya Orndhu – analysed to bring awareness to the residents of the world.
  • avan than semmai – His honesty as explained in SrI rAmAyaNam ayOdhyA kANdam 17.15 “thEnathEtham anuvrathA:” (hence everyone was devoted to SrI rAma) and SrI rAmAyaNam bAla kANdam 1.97 “rAmO rAjyam upAsithvA” (SrI rAma rules the kingdom).
  • urai seydha – Mercifully spoke. That is, AzhwAr mercifully explained emperumAn‘s honest interactions with nithyasUris (eternal associates of emperumAn in paramapadham) in “Odum puL ERich chUdum thaNduzhAy nIdu ninRavai Adum ammAnE” (bhagavAn, the unconditional master, climbing on garudAzhwAr wanders around, wearing cool thuLasi garland and joyfully engages with these eternal entities) [1st pAsuram], and his honest interactions with nithya samsAris (those who are eternally bound in this material realm) in “ammAnAy” (being the lord) [2nd pAsuram], “kaNNAvAn” (being the controller)  [3rd pAsuram], and up to “nIr purai vaNNan” ( one who is having water like honest nature) [11th pAsuram]. Spoke in this manner.
  • mARan ena – As one thinks that “this is nammAzhwAr who mercifully spoke about emperumAn‘s honesty”.
  • Eyndhu niRkum vAzhvAm ivai – One will acquire naturally fit wealth [i.e. kainkaryam] and that will remain perpetually as said in nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi 61senRonRi ninRa thiru” (the wealth that is coming to me and fitting in me well).

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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