mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi – 36 – kaiya kanalAzhi

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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In the previous pAsuram, AzhwAr said yAm thozhudhum (we will worship with our hands). Just as he desired, he enjoys emperumAn in this pAsuram.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

kaiya kanalAzhi kArkkadalvAy veNsangam
veyyagadhai sArngam venjudar vAL seyya
padai paravai pAzhi pani nIr ulagam
adiyaLandha mAyar avarkku

Word by Word Meanings

pani nIr ulagam – world surrounded by cool waters
adi – with his divine feet
aLandha – one who measured
mAyar avarkku – for that emperumAn who has amazing activities
kaiya – in the hand
kanal Azhi – the divine disc which is radiant
kAr kadal vAy veN sangam – the white coloured divine conch which appeared in the dark ocean
veyya – valorous
gadhai – mace
(veyya) – valorous
sArngam – the bow sArngam
vem sudar vAL – the sword nAndhagam which has radiant glow

(all these)
seyya padai – are the divine weapons
paravai – the ocean
pAzhi – is the mattress


kaiya kanal Azhi – the chakrAyudham (divine disc) which spits fire on enemies.

kArkkadal vAy veN sangam – the conch pAnchajanyam which has the roar of clouds, has the ocean as its place of birth and has white complexion. Or, the conch which makes furious sound similar to the cloud and ocean. Or, the divine conch which has as its place of birth, the dark coloured ocean.

veyya gadhai sArngam – the valorous mace and the valorous bow.

venjudarvAL – the divine sword which glows with radiance.

All  these are

seyya padai – great weapons. The term seyya padai refers to the weapons which are appropriate for eliminating the enemies of emperumAn’s followers. If these weapons are considered as ornaments, the word seyya will refer to their radiance. Since these weapons are present, there is no need to praise emperumAn to live long. It is enough to praise the weapons as said in thiruvAimozhi 7-4-1 “thisai vAzhi ezha” (let the sounds of praise rise in all directions). periyAzhwAr too, in his thiruppallANdu mercifully said “sudarAzhiyum pallANdu; pAnchasanniyamum pallANdu ” (praise to the divine radiant disc; praise to the divine conch), praising the weapons.

kaiya – all these are in his hands

paravai pAzhi – the milky ocean is his mattress

pani nIr ulagam adi aLandha mAyar avarkku – for emperumAn who measured the world which is surrounded by cool waters with his divine feet, disc, conch, mace, bow and sword  are the beautiful divine weapons.

We will move on to the 37th pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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