iraNdAM thiruvandhAdhi – 95 – en nenjamEyAn

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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AzhwAr says that emperumAn who is the reason for the creation of all the worlds and is the refuge for all the worlds entered all the parts of his body, from his dwelling place at thiruvaththiyUr (kAnchipuram). He talks about how he exists without knowing anything other than emperumAn.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

ennenjamEyAn en senniyAn dhAnavanai
vannenjam kINda maNivaNNan munnam sEy
UzhiyAn Uzhi peyarththAn ulagEththum
AzhiyAn aththiyUrAn

Word by Word Meanimg

dhAnavanai – the demon (iraNiyan)
val nenjam – strong chest
kINda – one who tore
maNivaNNan – one who has the complexion of a blue coloured gem stone
munnam sEy UzhiyAn – he was everything in the earlier period of creation
Uzhi peyarththAn – one who destroyed everything during the time of deluge
ulagu Eththum AzhiyAn – one who is worshipped by the people of the world and who reclines in thiruppARkadal (milky ocean)
aththiyUrAn – one who is residing in thiruvaththiyUr
en nenjam mEyAn – he stood firmly in my heart
en senniyAn – he took residence in my head


en nenjam mEyAn en senniyAn – once AzhwAr’s heart liked emperumAn, emperumAn made himself present in all the parts of AzhwAr’s body. Even as AzhwAr kept one part of his body with emperumAn, he entered all the parts of AzhwAr’s body.

en nenjamEyAn en senniyAn – he is inside my heart. nammAzhwAr too has mercifully mentioned in thiruvAimozhi 10-6-6 “thalaimEla thALiNaigaL thAmaraikkaN ennammAn nilaipErAn ennenjaththu eppozhudhum” (my Lord, emperumAn, with lotus eyes, will never leave my heart once he keeps his divine feet on my head).

dhAnavanai vannenjam kINda – he tore the strong heart of iraNiyan who proclaimed himself as God.

van nenjam – iraNiyan had a heart which had no compassion either towards emperumAn or his followers. He had a heart which will not hesitate to carry out a disrespectful deed towards emperumAn or his followers. Even when he saw the fearful form of narasimha, his heart did not soften. One can even assume that it was so hard that even chakrAyudham (emperumAn’s divine disc) could not crack it open.

maNivaNNanemperumAn has a form which removes fatigue, with the happiness that with  iraNiyan destroyed, the enemy of prahlAdha had been destroyed. This implies that emperumAn’s form is like a blue coloured gem, being very soft and great.

munnam sEy UzhiyAn – Just as it is mentioned in chAndhOgya upanishath “sadhEva sOmya idham agra AsIth” (Oh child, this existed even before creation), emperumAn had both chith and achith (sentient and insentient entities) in subtle form, as his body, even before creation, when the world had been destroyed and they were waiting for their time. We can also construe this as emperumAn who was present even at the time of deluge, preparing for creation.

Uzhi peyarththAn – He destroyed them [the worlds]. He destroyed them since he did not get the benefit out of creating them. As the time approaches, it is he who destroys too.

Uzhi peyarththAn – it can also be taken that it was emperumAn who created everything indicated by time.

ulagEththum AzhiyAn – he reclines in thiruppARkadal (milky ocean) in the form of anirudhdha, to be worshipped by everyone. Or, it can be construed as emperumAn who is holding the divine disc, to be worshipped by everyone.

aththiyUrAn – one who is dwelling in thiruvaththiyUr (kAnchipuram)

aththiyUrAn en nenjamEyAn – thiruvaththiyUr is just like thiruppARkadal.

AzhiyAn aththiyUrAn en nenjamEyAn – just as periyAzhwAr mercifully said in periyAzhwAr thirumozhi 5-4-10 “ida vagaigaL igazhndhittu en pAl ida vagai koNdanaiyE” (leaving aside your divine abodes, haven’t you taken residence in my heart!)

We shall take up the 96th pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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