SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:
perumAL thirumozhi >> 3rd Decad
avathArikai (Introduction)
AzhwAr says in this pAsuram that he does not involve with those who are involved in worldly pursuits. He involves himself with emperumAn alone.
nULinEr idaiyAr thiRaththE niRkum
gyAlam thannodum kUduvadhillai yAn
AliyA azhaiyA arangA! enRu
mAl ezhundhu ozhindhEn endhan mAlukkE
Word-by-Word Meanings
nUlin nEr idaiyAr thiRaththE niRkum– being involved with ladies who have slender waist, like a thread
gyAlam thannodum – with the people of this world
yAn kUduvadhillai – I do not mingle
AliyA – (with overflowing affection) dancing
arangA enRu – reciting the divine names of periya perumAL
azhaiyA – calling out
en than mAlukkE – towards emperumAn who is affectionate towards me
mAL ezhundhu ozhindhEn – I developed affection
Simple Translation
I do not unite with the people of this world who are involved with ladies who have slender waist. Instead, I dance, with overflowing affection, call out the divine names of periya perumAL and develop affection towards him.
nUlinEr idaiyAr thiRaththE niRkum – those who are involved with ladies who have thread-like slender waist.
niRkum – this term (meaning ‘remaining’) indicates that once they are involved with one limb of a person’s physical form, they would remain involved with that limb and not move on further to other limbs of the form.
gyAlam thannodum kUduvadhillai yAn – AzhwAr says that he does not have any connection with those who, instead of showing involvement with the ordained bhagavath vishayam (matters relating to emperumAn), show involvement with matters which are not congruent with their svarUpam (basic nature – being totally subservient to emperumAn alone).
In the subsequent two lines, AzhwAr says that he shows involvement, which the others show towards worldly pursuits, towards the ordained matter.
AliyA arangA enRu azhaiyA – due to excessive joy, being unable to remain in one place, dancing; reciting the divine name arangA of periya perumAL, even if it is in a disorderly manner.
mAl ezhundhozhindhEn endhan mAlukkE – just as it has been mentioned in SrI rAmAyaNam ayOdhyA kANdam 16-16 “sarvEshAm hi sa dharmAthmA varNAnAm kuruthE dhayAm l chathurNAm hi vaya:sthAnAm thEna thE thamanuvrathA: ll” (that SrI rAma, who is the personification of righteousness, showers his mercy on the four classes of people (brAhmaNa (priests), kshaththriya (warriors), vaiSya (business people)and SUdhra (workers)) in four stages of their lives (SaiSava (infant), bAlyam (playing), yauvanam (youthful) and vArdhAnam (old)); hence they too are affectionate towards him), seeing the affection that emperumAn has towards me, I too developed affection towards him.
We will take up the 3rd pAsuram of this decad, next.
adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan
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