periya thirumadal – 6 – ennum malarppiNaiyal

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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vAniyangu thAragai mIn ennum malarppiNaiyal Eyndha mazhaik kUndhal

Word by word meaning

vAn iyangu thAragai mIn ennum – the stars which roam around in the sky

malar piNaiyal Eyndha – decorated with kadhamba mAlai (garland strung with a medley of flowers)

mazhaik kUndhal – having a flowing tress similar to clouds


vAniyangu thAragai mIn ennum malarp piNaiyal Eyndha mazhaik kUndhal – being the greatest among women, she needs to have black, long tress and a garland made with different types of flowers to decorate that tress. Does she have them? Her garland is made of thAragai (thArakA, stars) and various other stars. Her tress is nothing but the dark clouds which are invigorating, removing the ennui of the beholder, and containing within itself the garland mentioned above. If she unties and lets down her tresses once, her beloved will have all sorts of enjoyments to all his senses. thAragai – the primary twenty seven stars starting with aSvini and ending with rEvathy. mIn – all the other stars.

For women, the most important parts are head and bosom. Head has been spoken of, above. Now, the pAsuram talks about her bosom…

In the next article, we will discuss the next part of this prabandham.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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