ashta SlOkI – SlOkams 5 – 6 – dhvayam

SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:
SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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SlOkam 5

nEthruthvam nithyayOgam samuchitaguNajAtham thanukyApanam cha upAyam
karthavyabhAgam thvatha mithunaparam prApyamEvam prasidhdham |
svAmithvam prArthanAm cha prabalatharavirOdhiprahANam daSaithAn
manthAram thrAyatE chEthyadhigatha nigama:shatpadhOyam dhvikaNda: ||


This SlOka details dhvayam, the manthra rathna – jewel among manthras. dhvayam has two parts and six words. (1) ability to conduct the human soul in His vision (2) inseparable togetherness with Mother SrI mahAlakshmi (3) endearing qualities ideal for the Supreme Soul (4) very graceful appearance (5) upAyam, being the means to attain Him (6) duties to be discharged by the soul (7) service in the auspicious togetherness of the Lord and His divine consort SrI mahAlakshmi (8) the most pleasing relationship which is rightful (9) prayer for service unto Him (10) relief from the obstacles to the service unto Him. People well versed in the vaidhika scriptures say that thinking constantly the ten meanings of the manthra protects the devotee.

SlOkam 6

ISAnAm jagathAmadhISadhayithAm nithyAnapAyAm Sriyam
samSrityASrayaNOchithAkhila guNasyAnggrI harErASrayE |
ishtOpAyathayA SriyAcha sahithAyAthmESvarAyArthayE
karthum dhAsyamaSEshamaprathihatham nithyam thvaham nirmama: ||


This conveys the prayer for Service unto Him, through pirAtti. I surrender to the feet of the Lord who ordains the whole universe, through Her who has the love of the Lord in full measure, Herself indestructible, He has all the qualities to take up my surrender and He is the means for my liberation to be granted by Him only.

adiyEn satakOpa rAmAnuja dhAsan


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