nAchchiyAr thirumozhi – 11.9 – kaNNAlam kOdiththu

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction) – Through the first six pAsurams of this decad, ANdAL mentioned about how he had stolen her belongings. In the 7th pAsuram, she said that instead of recalling the distress that he had suffered in separation, desiring the divine form of sIthAp pirAtti, he was happy, looking at her distress. In the previous pAsuram, she said that though she tried to forget him and sustain herself, his auspicious qualities and divine activities would not let her forget him. In this pAsuram, she recalls the way emperumAn had removed the hurdle of rukmiNip pirAtti and had helped her, sustaining herself, saying “Isn’t the help which he rendered to rukmiNip pirAtti equivalent to helping all the girls?” This is similar to all of us sustaining ourselves, believing the charama SlOkam which he told arjuna. The words mentioned by one, who is common to all, towards one person, is to be considered as applicable to all who are dependent on him.

kaNNAlam kOdiththu kanni thannaik kaippidippAn
thiNNArndhirundha sisupAlan thEsazhindhu
aNNAndhirukkavE AngavaLaik kaippidiththa
peNNALan pENum Ur pErum arangamE

Word-by-Word Meanings

kaNNAlam kOdiththu – carrying out nicely, all the arrangements for marriage
kanni thannai – rukmiNip pirAtti, the bride
kaippidippAn – in order to marry her
thiN Arndhu irundha – thinking firmly, without an iota of doubt
sisupALan – SiSupAlan, his
thEsu azhindhu – losing his radiance
aNNAndhirukkavE Angu – during the time when he [SiSupAlan] was looking at the sky
avaLai – that rukmiNip pirAtti
kai pidiththa – one who mercifully held her hand
peNNALan – emperumAn who is famous as one who helps all the women
pENum – mercifully taken residence, with desire
Ur – divine abode
arangamE – it is only thiruvarangam

Simple Translation

SiSupAlan had carried out all the arrangements for marrying rukmiNip pirAtti and was very firm on this, without any trace of doubt. During the time that SiSupAlan was looking at the sky, emperumAn mercifully held that rukmiNip pirAtti’s divine hand. thiruvarangam is the divine abode where that emperumAn, who is famously known to help all women, has mercifully taken residence, with desire.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

kaNNAlam kOdiththu – SiSupAlan had spent all the wealth which he had accumulated over a long time, on the dinner prior to his marriage, for his friends. This was his arrangement for the marriage.

kanni thannaik kaippidippAn – just as one takes efforts to smell a flower which no one else had smelt before, SiSupAlan had taken lot of efforts in order to marry rukmiNip pirAtti.

thiNNArndhirundha sisupALan – just as we have been stealing AthmA, which belongs to emperumAn, thinking that the AthmA is ours, SiSupAlan was of the firm mind that rukmiNip pirAtti, who is emperumAn’s wealth, was his belonging. thiNNArndhu iruththal – being firm.

thEsazhindhu aNNAndhirukkavE – he lost the radiance which comes out of being modest; taking pride that he was the bridegroom, unlike matured crops which will look down, he was looking up at the sky. If we have to describe the state of SiSupAlan, before kaNNan held the hand of rukmiNip pirAtti, we have to consider the meaning this way; when this term is combined with the next term Angu avaLaik kaippidiththa, with kaNNan having taken hold of rukmiNip pirAtti’s hand, the meaning will change.

aNNAndhirukkavE – kaNNan held rukmiNip pirAtti’s hand such that SiSupAlan, losing out all his radiance, having been insulted by kaNNan, feeling ashamed to look at anyone’s eyes, had to look at the sky.

AngavaLaik kaippidiththa – kaNNan performed only pANigrahaNam (holding the hand of the bride), since SiSupAlan had completed all the earlier rituals, prior to pANigrahaNam and kaNNan did not want to repeat the same rituals.

peNNALan – was this act carried out only for the sake of rukmiNip pirAtti? The meaning hinted is that this was carried out for all who were born as women and who had lost out to emperumAn for this act.

pENum Ur – the divine abode, where he desirously dwells.

pErum arangamE – just as he remains as the supporting pillar for all women, the abode where he desirously lives is also SrI rangam (the place where periya pirAttiyAr (SrI mahAlakshmi) blissfully dances).

Next, we will consider the last pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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